Rise- Keith x Galra reader<p2>

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"I was born into the Empire, my mother, Xoira and my father Zekeon were....lets say, had different opinions. Both wanted a free universe, but when Zarkon took over, they were...i don't even know. Killed or taken...i was left to my own devices when I was little over 10 years old. My father told me to find Voltron. Or something that would help me and the universe. I shipped off to the other side of this planet called Unicoro. There, wild horses ran through and tigers hunted and flew across the ground. The village people were hybrids of others, even Galrans. They treated me like their own. There I made my home. Not soon after I turned 16, i found the Blade of Marmora. I trained and soon became one of top 10 best soldiers. I made some friends, and soon after we made that alliance with you...Voltron. I was....looking for ways to contact Voltron as well as my friend Matt; he and I were the best warrior Spy's on board with the Blade of Marmora. But, that is most important thing in my life. But, what about yours, Paladin?"
Yn smiled kindly to the Red Paladin. Keith was startled about her story; that he began to stutter.
Her CE shone as she looked over to the boy. His Paladin armour shimmered in the fire light.
"I never knew my parents. All I know is that my mother is Galra and that hopefully she worked with Blade of Marmora as well, but I don't know.
I started off as somebody who never listened or took orders. I kind off made them myself. I am the Red Paladin of Voltron, however, I have no way of contacting the rest of my team. Communications are down as well the Lion itself. There's nothing special about me, just voltron' s second commander I think.....you said something about Matt? Matt Holt?"
Yn frowned. He was special. In ways he could never imagine. Keith was a hybrid Galra; who knows who his mother could of been.
"Umm, yes, Matt Holt. We work together. He would be able to pick us up tomorrow as I sent him my location a half hour ago. What do you mean, 'not special?' Your a galran hybrid. Nothing is stronger than that! I should know, all of Lotor' s generals are hybrids. Better yet, your a Paladin!"
A cute one too..

Keith shook his head. Why was she being so nice? It's been only a hour or two since they met. But, she was confident.
"I don't know. Would I be able to hitch a ride with you till i can contact with Voltron?" He asked. Yn nodded, looking into the flames.
"I'd take anything to be with Voltron. Maybe then I can avenge my family"
"Well, I'd love to help. You seem good. Better than the others. Pidge would be thrilled to see her brother Matt again."
"He talks about her. Alot, Matt really misses her...maybe As much as I miss them."
Yn smiled, as tears pricked her eyes. Keith shook his head, placing a hand on her face.
"I'll help you. I promise, they would be proud of what you've done"

Sorry it's so short!
Please read⬇️⬇️⬇️

I have a Pidge story witten; however should I publish it?
This is the description ---

,We're all see through just like glass and we can shatter just as fast...." The former Paladin of the green Lion is missing in action. Allura declares that she is dead.
The Green Lion is unimpressed with Allura's actions, however, as two years pass and no sight of the green Paladin comes up... the team of Voltron is forced to recruit someone else to pilot Green.
However, what happens when the green Paladin has been under their nose the entire time...
But, she's not a Paladin....no, she's a Hunter...and a daughter, if you like...

She just wanted To Be Somebody....

One Shots Reader x Voltron Paladins Where stories live. Discover now