Chapter 3

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        Meeting new Flock
  The oldest one I see starts to talk,"Nice to see you guys came. Um... What's you're name little lady?"he asked me. I look at him and just grin.
   "What's you're name? Oh and my names Stormi Kelley." I say with my evil grin.
   "My names Patch Ride. I'm the leader I had Sydney talk to y'all I don't know how to use the computers. This here is Ethan Thornton. And that's Sydney Vause but we call her Sid. Melanie Carmichael. Dylan Thornton, and Bobby Ray. Who's he?"he asked pointing toward Four.
  "I'm Four. Stormi's twin brother."he says shaking hands with everybody else. I look over at him and smirk.
  Then, out of nowhere were all talking about our favorite foods and sports.
  Patche's favorite food is pizza and his favorite sport is football. Ethan's favorite food is salad and his favorite sport is soccer. Sydney's favorite food is fries and her favorite sport is,oh yeah, she don't like sports, she likes racing. Melanie's favorite food is chips and her favorite sport is basketball. Dylan's favorite food is cheese burgers. Bobby and Dylan have the same taste of everything. I'm naming none of it.
   Let's just get this straight, it was like family all over again. I'm about to tell the other kids about mine and Four's history when Patch asked just that question," So how did y'all get you're names? Or were they already you're names?" he asked.
    "I got my name by my gift. I can make Storm's when I'm mad or something really close to it."I say making my eyes look all stormy.
   Everyone gasps in estonkshment.
  "Hey guys do you want to know what happened to us? The reason why we're called Stormi and Four?"I ask them. They all look at each other. Finally Patch looks at me and nods to a door to the side of the room. "You can tell me in there. While Four tells the others." he says with a nice smile. I smile back and say Ok with my mouth.
   He led the way to that room. When we got in there he pointed to a chair and he sakd," You sit here I'll sit on the bed." he said slowly. He went over to the bed and say down with his hands between his legs.
   I look over at him and smile.
  "Are you sure you want to hear this?"I ask. He looks over at me and nods.
  "Yeah I'm sure. Besides,you're cool."he says grinning.
  "Alright then. Me and Four were 3 years old when all this started making since. I'm 3 month's older than Four. We're both 13. We were in this weird hospital for 12 and a half years. I escaped  because of my gift. Which left Four to use his gift of invisibility to get out. When he got to the window I had already flew out of when the doctors came running and grabbed him. You know what those people did to us? They pretty much tortured us to death. We got to where we knew what to do. I got a new gift while we were there. My gifts are, Storms,mind reading, invisibility, mind control, and shaleshifting. All of Fours gifts are, invisibility, mind reading, and mind control. We have pretty much been all around the country looking for people like us. And, that's how we're here now." I say with a sad expression. "Oh and do you know they said my mom and dad died while chasing a airplane in 2003." he looks over at me and says,
   "Wow. I thought we were weird. I have some really crazy power. You know I have the same ones as you except for this one I have laser powers."he says smiling.
   "Do you want to know how Four got his name?"I ask Patch.
  "Yeah I guess. Go ahead I know you're dying to tell me."he says nodding and smiling.
   "Nevermind I'll get him to tell you." I say weakly.

SAOR By: Stormi KelleyWhere stories live. Discover now