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"1,2,3,1,2,3 and 4!" Our ballet instructor yelled before clapping her hands twice

"That's a wrap!"

We all thanked Bunmi before breaking off into our separate cliques, mine which consisted of just two people; Chisom and Lanre

I know a guy in tights, right?

But as unbelievable as it seemed, he was a ballerina and a mad ass dancer. We even had our name, Chola and yes it was a combination of our names. I'm sure you can guess by my excessive focus on Lanre that I have this huge crush on him and No, I haven't told him about it.

"Yo O D!" Lanre yelled from the other end of the room and I smiled before approaching him. Chisom was right beside him and she seemed to be staring intently at Biodun, the hottest guy in class as Chisom says. I got to them and Lanre pulled me into a hug which made my heart beat ten times faster and me being the fish that I am, pushed him off.

"Ew, you got me all wet!" I yelled while he laughed before whispering into my ear
"You know I can do more than that"

Oh and yes he's a hopeless flirt and pervert

I ignored him, thumped Chisom's forehead and she answered by sending a death glare to me

"Please did they send you from my village?" She asked before hissing and continuing her eye rape. I laughed at her reaction as an evil plan formed in my head and I'm sure Lanre read my mind because he mirrored my smile

"Biodun!" I yelled and it got both his and Chisom's attention
"You are dead" She whispered as Biodun approached us
"You'll thank me later" I replied and she was about to hit me when Biodun got to us. Immediately, she put up her innocent and gentle façade

"Hey Odette, you danced gracefully today" he said and I smiled before Lanre pinched me

Okay back to the plan

"I'm sure you know Chisom, she needs your help with her splits" I started and any sane person knows that Chisom is a pro at splitting

"Maybe you could help her when you're free" Lanre chirped in and Biodun smiled at Chisom

"Sure Chisom, we can start now" he said and Chisom smiled like a hopeless romantic before following Biodun like his shadow

Wonderful she left us just like that

Now its just Lanre and I


He slung one arm over my shoulder and lead me to his car

He was 18 and had a license, cool right?

"Now that first term is over, how about you and Chisom come over to my place. We could practice more, Chisom can feast her eyes on my neighbour Biodun while you and I can do other things" he said and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively when he said other things


"Lanre you know my mom says I have to meet my grandparent" I replied and he sighed

"It's only for a week Odette, don't you want to spend time with me?" He asked and I frowned at his attempt of emotional blackmail

"We're spending time together now" I replied and he unlocked the car before going to the driver's seat

Tch!, can't even be a gentleman for once

I entered the car and he started the engine before driving off

"Chisom has agreed to come, can't you convince mumsi?" He asked and I sighed

OdetteWhere stories live. Discover now