Bump set spike and boys?

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"I go!" I yelled as I dove for the ball. We were in the last set of our volleyball game. Oh I'm sorry. I'm Emily Wilson, 15 years young, and volleyball is my life. I've played for 7 years. I'm 5'6 with long legs and medium length brown hair. I've got brown eyes, nothin special about them. They are just solid brown. No I'm not some fantasy girl that every guy wants. I don't have blonde hair or a beach body. And I never really find myself attractive. I guess I live a pretty normal life. I play volleyball and basketball. Only one thing I'm completely awkward when it comes to guys! So here's the story of me meeting my first boyfriend. Ok now back to the story.

I hit the ball up for three hits. We were winning 26-25 but we had to win by two. We set it over the net but they spiked over and now we were tied. This kept going on for a while. The other team we were playing was a great team. They were the Wolfside Warriors. We were the Eastside Eagles. They did three hits and as the third hit was about to be spiked down I jumped up and blocked it. Just as I did I felt a pain go through my arm. The ball went over back to their side, but I crumbled to the ground holding my arm. It was hurting real bad. Especially my wrist. My coach, Coach Dunn, came over and helped me off the court and told me to go to the locker room to get into my warm-up suit.

As I opened the door somebody had already opened it. I ran right into them. I looked up to see who it was and when I did I saw a pretty cute boy probably about my age in a basketball uniform. I knew who he was I just couldn't remember his name. He was about 5'10 with dark brown almost black hair and deep brown eyes. He also had little freckles splattered across his nose and the top of his cheeks.

"Sorry" I said

"It's fine" he replied "Hey aren't you the girl that just got hurt out there?"

"Uh, yea" I said blushing a little

"Oh, sorry that was my sister who you blocked. Are you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine"


"No really, that must've been really embarrassing out there. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yea I am thanks anyway..." Not knowing his name

"Gage" he said. Yes! That was it!

"I'm Emily" I said

"Ok well I guess I'll see you around then. What's your instagram name?"

I gave him my name and said goodbye. And then I went to change.


I woke up with the sun shining in my face. I looked at the clock. It read 8:30. I'm so happy it's Saturday. I checked my phone and I had two messages from my friend Tina. Tina has beautiful dark olive skin. She's really cool. She's more into bands. Kinda like I am with sports. She's about my height. She's always making me laugh. She's practically my sister. Except for ya know color. She also goes to Wolfside. She was wondering if we could hang at the mall today. I replied with a yes but it would have to be later because I had to get an x-Ray for my wrist. She said she would come with me.


Tina and I were sitting in the waiting room waiting for me to get my X-Ray done. I got my name called and went back there. After they were done I found out I had a sprained wrist. The doctors also told me I would have to wear a brace. I was not happy. That means I would have to lay back on volleyball 😭😭😭. They gave me a brace and we went off to the mall.


and I were sitting in the food court eating my favorite food Chick-Fil-A. We were talking about the game last night.

"So I heard you ran into somebody last night" she said

"What do you mean?" I asked playing dumb. I didn't wanna tell her because she would get all excited.

"Emily don't play stupid. I know you talked to Gage Rivers last night."

I started blushing so hard.

"So what did he say?"

"We just talked and he said he would see me around" I said acting as if it was no big deal

"Well I guess he was right" she said

"What do you mean?"

"Turn around"

I turned around and saw Gage and a few of his friends walking towards us. "Well shit" I thought.


Hey guys! It's me Emily! I'm so happy you decided to read my story. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be updating as much as I can which should be easy cause my sports seasons are over. Once again thanks and I hope you enjoy it!

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