Mal's fever

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Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie were in Jay's room playing a board game. Mal and Evie were on a team, and Jay and Carlos were on a team. When Mal and Evie were on their last play that would get them their win, Mal handed Evie the dice. When Mal touched Evie's hand, Evie Shrieked. "Mal, your hands, they're like fire!"Jay stood up and felt Mal's forehead. "Evie's right. I think you have a fever." 

They dragged her to her bed(not pscyicly)and put her under the covers. Carlos got a theromometer, and took her temperature. He showed Jay, and his eyes bugged out. Evie looked and fainted. Carlos caught her and laid her on her bed. "Jay, why is Mal's temperature so high?" "I don't know Carlos. The normal human temperature is 98.6, but Mal's, is 125.2! Carlos go get Fairy Godmother!"

Carlos ran out to find Fairy Godmother. He came back 2 minutes later with Fairy Godmother. Jay showed her Mal's temperature, and she freaked out. "This is unheard of!We have to tell Ben!" "Fairy Godmother!" Fairy Godmother stopped pacing, and casted a spell. Mal fell asleep, and Fairy Godmother said,"Mal will be fine now. She just needs rest. I've only seen 1 case like this, and she was spelled. If Mal was spelled, there's going to be an afterspell. Come to me when Mal wakes up." The boys thanked her and Evie woke up. They filled her in on what had happened. 

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