Jay&Audrey's dates

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Later that day, at 4 pm,Jay was with Audrey on a picnic. Everything was fine, until 2 hours later. Mal was in Carlos's room, sleeping. Carlos was in one corner of the room doing homework. Evie and Ben snuck in quietly, and went over to Mal. Ben picked her up, and Mal's eyes shot open. She saw who was holding her, and she starting to cry and scream at the same time. 

Carlos ran out from the corner he was working in, and grabbed Mal from Ben, but she wasn't calming down. Carlos hated doing this to Jay. He called him, knowing he was the one that could calm Mal down. Jay answered, and heard the screaming. "I'll be right there." He looked at Audrey, and said, "I'm sorry. I've got to go. Can I make this up tomorrow?" "Sure Jay."

Jay ran all the way back to his room, and burst in the door. He saw Ben and Evie in a corner. That's why Mal was screaming and crying he told himself. Mal was in Carlos's arms, and he was rocking her back and forth. Mal saw Jay and reached for him. Jay took her and she stopped crying after a few minutes. 

Mal put her head on Jay's shoulders and wrapped her little arms around his neck. "That's so cute. Let me get a pic." Carlos said snapping a silent photo with his high tech camera. Jay laid her in her bed, and covered her up. "Ben, Evie, why did you do that?" Jay asked turning toward Evie and Ben. "We want Mal to her to love us as much as she loves you and Carlos!" Evie cried. 

Ben hugged her, and Jay changed into his pajamas. He got in his bed and fell asleep. During the middle of the night, Jay felt something crawl in next to him. He opened one eye and saw Mal, her tiny figure looking back at him, her lip stuck out, and clutching her dragon. He realized she was scared. "What's wrong Dragon?" He asked her. "I had a scarwee dream. Momma got out of her cage, and took you and Carwos back to the Isle." Mal started to shake, just like she did when she was younger. 

Mal curled up next to Jay and fell asleep. Jay sighed. Just like when she was a kid. The next day, the same events happened. Jay went on dates with Audrey, for two months, but they kept getting interupted. Audrey followed him one night, to see where he was going and why he kept leaving.

Back in Jay's room, Audrey heard him say to Mal(She's unaware that he's talking to Mal) "Hey, it's alright. Calm down. It's going to be alright.I'm here now." Audrey heard another voice say back. "I wuv you Jay-Jay." (Mal said that) Audrey ran away crying. 

The next day, Audrey and Jay went on another date. Jay got another phone call from Carlos. Evie and Ben just wouldn't give up. "Audrey, I'm really sorry, but I have to go-" "Jay, why do you keep leaving?" "I've got to go and calm-" "Jay, save it. We're over. I heard you with that girl in your room yesterday. I wuv you Jay-Jay." She mimicked Mal.

"Audrey, that was just-" "I don't care Jay. Goodbye." She got up and ran away with tears in her eyes. Jay went back to his dormitory, and took Mal from Carlos. He took off his shoes, and got in his bed. He was just tired of everything happened. Carlos gave Mal her dragon. 

At midnight, Mal woke up to the sound of someone crying. Mal had very sharp hearing, and even though the crying was like a mouse, she could hear it. She listened for a minute, and realized it was Jay. She tugged his hair, so she could see his face. "What's wong Jay-Jay?" Mal asked. 

Jay just hugged Mal. "Audrey, my girlfriend, well I should say ex-girlfriend, broke up with me yesterday." "Is Audrey mean?" Mal asked. "Sometimes Dragon. Sometimes. I know, how about tomorrow before breakfast, how about you try being with Evie?" "Who's Evie?" "My blue haired friend." "OH! You mean Pincess Booberry!" "Yes. That's exactly who I'm talking about." "Fine." 

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