Accusations and Explanations

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Audrey's room was trashed, and there was spray paint almost everywhere. "SEE! MAL DID THIS! SHE'S A BEAST! SHE HATES ME SO SHE'S GETTING REVENGE AGAIN!" Audrey screamed. Everyone but Mal and Jay covered their ears. They were the only two on the Isle that actually screamed so much, their households turned into the noise at a racetrack. 

Mal shook her head. "I was seeping until dat meeting started." "That's right. She ran down here crying because someone had broken into my room, trashed everything there, and completly buthered her stuffed dragon!" Jay yelled. 

Belle turned to Ben. "Ben, is this true? Mal is a three year old?" "Yes." "Why didn't you tell us? That's why you've been acting so wierd, and hanging out with Audrey so much." "Mom, it's fine. Let's focus on the problem." 

Audrey screeched again, "MAL HAS SPRAYPAINT! SHE SPRAYPAINTED OUR ROOMS TO LOOK LIKE BEN AND I DID IT!" "No I don't." Mal said shaking her head. "Mal never even had access to spraypaint until she was 6. The only thing she had at age 3, were paint balls, and believe me, you don't want to find out what they feel like when they hit you, espically thrown by Mal. I've expirenced that personally." Evie said. 

Mal giggled evilly, and Jay said, "EVIE! Dragon, come here." Jay said, and kneeled down to when Mal came over to him, she could almost look him in the eyes. "Dragon, don't get any ideas. This is a place where no one is mean." 

Mal looked up at him, and said, "Then why did Audrey bake up wif you?" Jay sighed, ruffled Mal's hair, and stood up. Evie and Carlos looked at Jay their mouths open, and so did everyone. Now everyone knew why Jay really wouldn't talk to anyone but Carlos, Evie, and Mal.

Carlos widdened his eyes, and he kneeled down just like Jay did. "Mal, is that why you attacked Audrey?" Mal's kind of smile dropped. "What do you mean attack Audrey?" Jay asked. Mal's eyes widdened, and her lips started quivering. 

Jay, Carlos, and Evie knew that meant she was going to cry. Carlos reacted the fastest this time, scooping Mal up and running to his room, which was down the hall. Jay and Evie followed. Ben followed them, pausing outside the door. He really didn't want to intrude, so he figured he'd just listen. 

Mal had started crying by then and was clutching her dragon and Evie at the same time. Evie was hugging Mal, trying to calm her. Mal screamed, "Don't do it Carlos!" Over and over again when she could. 

When Mal was finally asleep from screaming so much, Evie slipped out of Mal's clutches, and gently laid Mal back on Jay's bed. Carlos showed them the video he had filmed that Mal demanded be taken of her. 

After watching the video, Jay looked at Mal, in disbelieve. He couldn't believe she still had his back at this age. "Jay, why didn't you tell us that Audrey broke up with you? You told a three year old, but not your 16 year old friend that actually understand?" Evie asked.

"Guys, neither of you noticed sooner that's I've been heartbroken, and you never decided to ask me about it? Mal did. She understands fully. Trust me. Back on the Isle before you two were our friends, we were each other's protection. She had my back and I always had hers. When we came to Auradon, it kind of changed. Did she ever talk to you, about her problems before Auradon with abuse?" 

"What?" Carlos and Evie echoed at the same, surprised. "Yep. You heard me. The scars she showed me, would have made you faint dead." "Why didn't she tell us? And why did she show you? Like where are they at?" "Uh, well, all you need to know, is that they're pretty bad." 

"JAY!" Carlos and Evie screamed together. "What?" "How do you know about her scars?" Ben asked now, at the door. "Um, why?" "Because, I've seen them, but I never knew they were from abuse." 

"Why Ben?" Evie asked. "Because, all her scars, are like between her neck, and waist, and below her waist, but higher than her knees, and all over her back, and legs." Jay paled, and scratched the back of his neck, feeling really awkward. 

"We might have been together on the Isle." Jay said barely above a whisper. "WHAT?" Ben screamed. "Yeah. That's kind of why we drifted apart so much. She starting dating you, because she told me, she wanted to try it, and then boom, you stole the girl I loved, and now it's happened again." 

"Oh." Ben said. "Yeah. Anyways, Evie and Carlos, she finally started trusting you after the cotillion. She didn't know if you would freak out, or tell someone and then she'd be transported away." 

"Is that why she never accepts help from us, and only from you?" Jay nodded. "She didn't know what to do. I help her through it. Have you ever even noticed? She never wears tank tops, shorts, and short knee length dresses, because it would show all of her scars."

Carlos and Evie decided to leave, to leave Jay alone, and Ben said he had some work to do about cleaning the rooms up. Jay started putting everything away, and Mal snuck up behind him. She had woken up, when Ben had accidently slammed the door on his way out. 

Jay didn't notice her, until he turned around, and she jumped on him, from on top of Carlos's bed. "WOAH!" Jay yelled, surprised. "Did I scare you?" Mal asks. "Yes." "I have a qeston." "That would be?" "Is is bad to trash dings?"

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