(5) Jamaya's P.O.V

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Jamaya's Point of View 

I met with Naya about the cake. We had chosen a butter cream cake with blue and cream flowered design and a orange ribbon design around it. I headed home. I arrived home and realized there is a car in the yard. I wonder who that could be. I unlock the door and head inside. As I head upstairs, I hear something that catches my attention.

“Oh yes... Amari… don’t stop.”

WTF! I hope that is not the name I think I heard. I head to the room me and Amari share and notice the door is cracked; I look through the crack of the door. I notice that Amari is on top of some girl. That was the trick voice I heard before I got up here. I blink to keep the tears from falling. I go to the closet and retrieve my bat ready to bust a bitches head open.

I swing open the door, scaring Amari and the trick.

“You Bastard!” He instantly climbs off the trick and I realize that it’s my best friend Shae.

“This isn’t what it looks like.” Amari said as he gets off her.

Shae gives me a “Yeah I did and what” look and smirks.

Oh hell Nah. I don’t even respond to Amari, I’ll deal with him later.

“You nasty sket.” Shae gets up and begins putting her clothes back on.

“Look here your man came on to me.” Shae said.

I swing the bat at her, she dodges it and the bat smashes the lamp.

“You sket ass trick, if you don’t leave now Ima kick your ass so bad.” I was ready to swing the bat again.

“Chill babe.” Amari said.

Shae looks terrified but doesn’t leave.

“You think I’m playing.” I place the bat on the bed. I head over to head and punch her in the face.

“Bitch I said leave” I hiss angrily repeatedly punching her in the face. Amari grabs me forcing me to stop.

Shae gets up. “Bitch you’ll pay for this.” Shae said touching her face.

“Yeah trick I’m so scared.”

Shae heads out. I flip the F-U sign to her as she leaves.

“Get the fuck off me Amari.” I immediately slap him and repeatedly hit him in the chest.

“Aye chill let me explain.” Amari said as his phone rings. “Shit I forgot my parents were on their way probably at the airport.”

“Go get them.” I said.

“Alright but still I wanna get this straight between us.” Amari said.

I thought about saying “Fuck you and I don’t want to marry you.” but I didn’t. He leaves to get his parents.

“Mofo wanna fuck someone in our house.” I hiss as I grabbed the bat and smash the lamp.

I begin swinging the bat, breaking and smashing stuff. I toss the bat on the floor. I had to get out of this room, begin in here just made me angrier. I head to the living room. I sat on the couch and begin crying. The door bell rings.

I get myself together and answer the door. I open the door and Kim steps inside.

“Hey girl.” Kim said. She realizes something is wrong with me.

“WTF did Amari do?”

“More like who he did.” I said.

“Hold up… so you caught him in here fucking another bitch?” Kim asked

“Yeah sure did.” I begin thinking about it. I burst out crying.

“All Sweetie.” Kim says as she hugs me to comfort me.

“Bad thing about is his parents are on their way over here.”

“Dang wonder what is going to happen now?” Kim said.

“I don’t know.”

“I know one thing when Amari gets her Ima have a talk with him.” Kim said

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