Chapter 2

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Wayne felt a certain pull towards her. It made his inner beast want to shift so he could see if she would be the one he had been looking for all these years. Wayne thought to himself: 'What a tender young creature! She is quite beautiful.' But that was his kind side speaking because but there was another side of him and it wasn't all that friendly.

When his kind side said: 'Act nicely be the gentleman you were.' His darker side responded with: 'exactly that "you were a gentleman" not anymore, love and kindness isn't the answer. You can't get revenge for what hunters did to your loved ones with friendship now can you?' And the pain he still felt after all these years made him agree with the darker side of his personality more. He knew that for the humans to get punished they all needed to pay. So going after the young beautiful Rosemary and her grandparents seemed obvious as they lived in the middle of nowhere. He still couldn't bring himself to do it, he felt like he had to protect ger and not hurt her.

When Wayne was done fixing the car Rosemary thanked him with all her heart, while she was blurring out how she didn't know how to repay him for his noble deed. She heard him say: 'Let me come with you.' Shocked at what he said she silently replied: 'Excuse me. Why would I let you come with me?' Wayne went to sit on top of the hood of the car and looked at Rosemary. 'Well I did fix your car and since my house is in the same way as you are going. It may be helpful for me.' He said as if it was logical for her to say yes to his proposal. 'Just so we are clear I am a fast runner so if you don't say yes I will follow and find you anyways.' That sentence sends shivers down Rosemary's spine. Why did he want to come and why did she trust him? 'Rosemary, look I didn't mean it in a frightening way. I just want to get to know you a bit because you see, I don't really have a lot of friends.' 'No way! Shocker!' She thought sarcastically. 'Please let me come with you.' He almost pleaded. Logically thinking she should have said no but he had an effect on her which made her nod her head. He smiled widely causing her lips to form a small smile of her own. Stupidly grinning at herself for thinking that smile was adorable they both stepped in the car.

On their way to the little country house that belonged to her grandparents, Wayne and Rosemary talked as if they were both new students at a school at the brick of being friends. She told him how she doesn't have any friends and how she loved roses and how because of the flower her favorite color was obviously red. After what seemed like a solid ten minutes she realized that he hadn't shared anything yet. Hadn't she given him the chance to talk?

'Now you tell me more about yourself Wayne.' She said a bit embarrassed about not letting him talk for ten minutes. 'I am not as interesting to listen to as you are, dear Rosemary.' He informed her. 'But as it is only fair. My full name is Wayne Leaverton. I really like the woods so that is probably why I bought a house as close as possible to it. I also don't have a lot of friends, I don't mind it, to be honest, I like being on my own. My favorite color is dark blue and if I could do one thing it would be to escape.' He didn't give much information but neither did she. It was still a start. 'Why escape? From what?' Rosemary asked him as it was such a rare thing to say. Wayne chuckled to himself. 'Because the world is cruel. Life is cruel and unfair and I don't see the point in staying.' It made her sad hearing him say these words. 'What about your family? Wouldn't you miss them?' 'That is just the thing, Rosemary. I already miss them I can't talk, see or be with them thanks to events in the past. my parents died and my sister went missing.'

Wayne felt his heart hurt all over again, he did not want to talk about it but Rosemary felt so trusting. He missed his parents and sister more than anything but he couldn't change the past now, could he. He pissed a very powerful person off and now he had to pay the price. 'What do you mean?' He heard her sweet voice ask. As much as he wanted to tell her, she was still a stranger and even though he felt a strong connection between them.  He mentally wasn't ready for it. 'That is something I am not comfortable with to tell.'

'I understand.'

They arrived at the house. It hasn't changed one bit. The two stepped out as Wayne took the basket out of the car. 'Shouldn't you go home?' Rosemary asked. 'You want me to leave?' He asked her. she shook her head. 'Then I'll stay for a bit.' Wayne stated.

Once at the front door Rosemary knocked. Seconds later the door opened and she saw her grandfather on the other side. 'Rosemary! What a surprise.' He said. Her grandfather stepped aside so his two guests could come in. 'It has been a while, sweetheart.' Looking over to Wayne he continued. 'And who is this young man? Your boyfriend?' Rosemary was stunned at the thought of Wayne being her boyfriend sure he was handsome but they just met, not that she could tell her grandparents that. 'He of my best friends.' She lied. 'Oh well, a friend of Rosemary is a friend of ours.' Her granddad said while shaking Wayne's hand.

Rosemary found her grandmother in the living room watching tv. Her grandmother was so happy to see her that she hugged Rosemary without hesitation. 'Little Rosa! How nice to see you again. How have you been?' 'I have been good I had to say hello from mother and tell you she is sorry she couldn't make it because of work. So I brought a good friend of mine, Wayne.' Rosemary told her grandmother. Wayne greeted her grandmother the same way he did to her granddad. 'Ah yes, I was wondering who his handsome man was.'

After chatting for a while Rosemary had an idea. 'Wayne why don't I show you the most beautiful roses you'll ever see.' He nodded and followed her as she was already walking away.

Once outside he saw her standing next to a huge rose bush. The bush was light green and the large roses all had a dark velvet red color. 'these are called black magic roses because of their darker color.' Rosemary explained to him. 'You really are fascinated by these roses aren't you?' Wayne asked her as he smiled. 'Yes, since I was little I always came to look at them, their beauty, their smell. That is why some people started calling me Little Rosa.' The nickname did match her perfectly. 'Here smell these.' Rosemary ordered him. She touched the flower stem and pricked her finger causing blood drops to fall onto the ground.

Smelling her blood made his dark side rise and before he knew it he couldn't control the beast inside him anymore. Her scent was too overwhelming.


I'm sorry. For leaving you guys on a cliffhanger.

I hope you still like it. Let me know what you thought. Again if you see some mistakes please tell me.

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C xx

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