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My head spins as I wake up. I'm still on the floor. My place has been destroyed. I call the police.
"Hello, nine-one-one. What's your emergency?" a lady asks.
"Somebody destroyed my house," I reply.
"We're sending police right now. What's your address?" she asks me.
"8891 Apple street," I respond.
"Okay. Please step outside of your home as a safety precaution," she says. I obey.

A police car pulls up within ten minutes. Another one pulls up behind the first.
"Are you alright ma'am ?" a police officer asks.
"Yeah," I reply.
"Somebody has destroyed your house, right?" another officer asks. I nod. "What is the last thing you remember?" he asks.
"Someone knocked on my door, so I opened it. It was Adeline Simmons. She punched me and that knocked me out," I reply.
They investigate my entire house, before saying that it's clear.
"Tomorrow your house will get sorted out. But as for tonight, we will take you to a hotel," an officer says.
"Okay," I say.

"Are you alright?" Ethan asks, as I open the door.
"Yeah," I reply. I have an ice pack on my forehead. Ethan kisses my cheek.
I tell him everything that happened.

The following day
I walk up to my house with Ethan. There's a note hanging on my door. I pull it off and read it out loud.

"You're dead."

A/n: I'm so sorry for the long wait and crappy chapter! I've been super busy this summer! I'd love to hear some feedback, so go to my Sarahah page!


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