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Emily's POV

The bell rings and I rush out of the class as fast as I can to beat the crowd. I keep my head down as I speed walk to make sure I make no eye contact even with a teacher. I make it to my locker without tripping to get my lunch and rush outside where I can sit in peace.

I had a friend, but not anymore.  

Hanna goes to another school. She used to attend Rosewood High but transferred as she was severely bullied. I miss her. She was the only person who made me feel like I could look at someone without feeling like they are judging me - or at least not care in the slightest. I could go out anywhere I wanted with her and not worry or feel the tightness in my throat that rose whenever I was in public, or the shortness of breath. But now that that's gone, I'm hopeless.

As I'm eating, a boy sits down next to me. I freeze immediately as my heart begins to beat 100 miles per hour. 

"I'm Ben," he says as he extends his arm out for me to shake his hand. 

I stare at his hand, as a lump rises in my throat and I suddenly can't breathe. I gasp for air and don't even bother to look back at him as I run as fast as I can towards the washroom for some space alone. 

I shove the door open and collapse on the counter, leaning on my arms. I look at myself in the mirror and focus on my breathing. In... and out... In and out... 

No one thinks poorly of you... No one thinks poorly of you... you're okay... you're okay....

Suddenly, I regret using the bathroom and my hideout. I hear the sound of a toilet flushing and a door unlocking. 


"Are you okay?" the girl asks with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Uh, yeah I-I-I'm f-fine," I manage, looking up to see who I'm talking to for once. 

Alison Dilaurentis. The life of the party. Alison is probably the prettiest girl anyone has ever laid their eyes on. She had wavy blonde hair with bright ocean blue eyes and a smile that could melt anyone into a puddle. 

I realize that I had been staring at her and blush heavily as I look away and back at the ground.

"I'm Ali," she says with a sheepish grin as she catches me staring. 

"E-Emily," I stammer, still not meeting her eyes, which were definitely on mine. 

"Want to skip next period?" she bluntly asks. 

I've never skipped class before. I've always been a goody two shoes who's always on the honour roll and never scores below a 75% on a test. But for some reason, I nod and smile at her.

She smiles her famous smile as she links her arm with mine and I realize that I feel comfortable with her. I don't feel like I'm about to have a panic attack when I'm near her. I feel possibly even more comfortable than I did with Hanna. I feel good for the first time in a while, and I think that's part of the reason I agree to skip with her even though I literally just met her. I want to get to know her better.

I shake the thought and allow her to pull me along beside her. We walk for what feels like a half hour until we come across a path in a forest on a hill. 

"I come here a lot when I need space to clear my mind," she says as she directs me to a lone rock that sits on the top of the hill overlooking a large stream of water that leads to a small drop. We sit on the rock watching the stream of water drop for a while until Ali breaks the streak of silence. 

"So why were you in the bathroom? I mean you didn't look okay at all. Do you want to talk about it?" She looks a her hands as if nervous to hear my response.

"Not really," I say unable to think of any way I could explain even if I did want to. "Do you bring people here frequently?" I say trying to change the subject to something other than my personal life. 

"No, I don't. Only when I feel the need and you looked like you needed it," she says coyly and she plays with her hands. 

"I did. Thanks, Ali," I smile a little. I real smile. 

She smiles back at me. "No problem, Emily. If you need a friend, I'm here," she says as she places a hand on mine. 

I gasp quietly to myself and blush immediately. I like this and I don't want her to move, but she does as she gets up. She's blushing slightly too. 

"We should head back," she says a little rushed. 

"G-good idea," I stutter, immediately feeling embarrassed. We start to walk back down the hill in silence until she once again breaks it.


"Y-yeah?" I mentally face-palm at the fact that I can't even get a single word out without stuttering like an idiot.

"We should exchange numbers! You know, so we can text?" she sort of asks me.

"Yeah that'd be great!" I sigh in relief as a manage to get out the four words without a stutter.

She smiles as she loosens up a little as we swap phones and begin typing our numbers in the contacts.

We make it back to school just in time to hear the final bell, signalling that the school day has come to an end and we are to return home. 

Home... Crap, I'm in so much trouble. I've known this girl an hour or so, and I'm already getting into trouble. No! Don't blame it on her! You have self-control, Emily! Ugh, but not around her...

I enter my house after a long walk home to find my mother sobbing on the couch with a letter in her hand. 

"Y-your father," she manages between sobs. "H-he didn't m-make it." 

Author's Note:

Heyo! I hope you enjoyed chapter one! I'll keep updating even though this may not get any reads cause I feel like it! Ya know? 

Anyway, you can vote if you wish! Comment and leave your feedback so I know what to change and what to continue! Thanks for reading!

~ Alexis

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