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"She's going to be okay, right?" I ask the doctor desperately. "Can I see her?" 

"Slow down, miss," he politely replies. "She's lucky to have you. Had you gotten her here any later, she may not have made it." I sigh a huge sigh of relief and smile with pride. I saved her life! "She's got a few broken ribs, including those she broke before, her arm is definitely broken, and her ankle is badly sprained. She'll need a wheel chair and a lot of rest." Of course I care, but I'm so happy that she's going to be okay, that all this information flies over my head.

"Can I see her now?" I question impatiently.

"Come with me." He replies, and I obey. We walk through what looks like a maze to me, but to him, it's last years news. We finally come to a room with a stitched up Ali, who is fast asleep in the bed. The doctor closes the door behind Ali and I and runs off to save the lives of others in need.

I slowly walk with caution next to her bed, trying not to wake her, and sit in the arm chair. She looks beaten, as she was, and it pains me that she had to deal with this. She's doesn't deserve it! It isn't fair at all. Why does someone like her have to deal with someone like that? How is it possible that someone so good natured was born from someone so terrible.

I reached for her hand and when they came into to contact, her eyes fluttered open and she laced our fingers together. Causing me to feel the now foreign feeling of joy and happiness. I smile and it feels so to finally do something that causes happiness. It's been so long since I've really smiled, and I'm sure it's the same with her. 

"Emily..." she sounds as groggy as she looks.

"Shhhh," It's been so long since I've done this. I place my palm on her cheek, briefly running my thumb over her lips, and then leaning forward and taking them with my own. 

She responds immediately with as much want and lust as I feel. I reach down with my own hand and place it on her breast, causing her to gasp a little and I take the opportunity to force my tongue desperately in her mouth, wanting to taste every inch of her mouth. Her tongue fights with mine for dominance and eventually she wins and I give in, letting her roam my mouth as our lips move in synch. 

The feeling is exactly the same as before, but it almost feels better as we've been yearning for each other for a long time. The fireflies re-ignite as soon as our lips touch, lighting me on fire. I want her to have me, right her and right now, but I know she's not in the to condition to do so, and we are in a hospital room. So before I lose myself in her, I pull back slowly eyes still closed from the pleasure of the moment we had just shared. 

"I've missed you, Em" she says, as I open my eyes and notice hers are still closed. I snuggle my head in the crook of her neck, kissing her neck softly as I do so. 

"It's all over, Ali... It's over," say, and she begins to cry softly. I'm not sure if she's crying in relief, or in happiness. Maybe a little bit of both. I pull her closer to me, without disturbing her many injuries. I hold back my own tears, trying to stay strong for her, because I know she needs me.

"The police are looking for your mother, and they're going to find out who the man was. They will be punished for this. I promise, Ali. I promise," I say, attempting to comfort her with these words. I unbury my head from her neck, kiss her cheek and pull her in to my neck for a change. With that, she squeezes her eyes shut and grips my hand harder. And I understand what she's trying to tell me. "I'm not going anywhere, Alison Dilaurentis. I'm not going anywhere." 

My mothers face pops up in the door window, silently asking if she can come in. I nod and she proceeds to open the door. 

"Ali, they've got your mother, and they're going to start questioning her tomorrow, but for now she's locked up. The man is still loose, but they will find him soon. We won't leave you alone until he is found and locked up. We promise, right Emmy?" She says, turning her gaze from the crying Ali, to me.

"Of course," I say, kissing her forehead. She smiles a little at this.

"W-what's going to happen to her after he's found and they're done questioning her?" Ali asks, pulling her head from my neck, leaving me cold without her touch. 

"I'm sure she'll be in prison for life after that," my mother replies reassuringly. Ali looks, a little relieved at this, and buries herself back into me, and and I grin to myself a little, and the cold on my neck is quickly soothed again. I think my mother smiles a little herself. "All right! I'll leave you two alone then!" Ali and I both laugh  a little my mother dances out of the room, leaving Ali and I alone again. 

"You saved my life, Emily. You know that right?" she says, choking up little again, but swallows it down before the second sentence. 

"Yup!" I say jokingly, over exaggerating the pride I feel. She laughs and kisses my neck, causing me to flush red and hug her a little tighter, but she flinches in pain at this and I loosen my grip, apologizing profusely. She chuckles a little.

"You're so cute when you feel bad and guilty for something," she gushes. I blush a little and she pulls me even closer to her, if that's even possible to do.


So I won't be updating tomorrow! I should be good 'til the end of the story for now! 

Anyway, you know what to do! Thanks for reading!


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