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My alarm clock sounds and I wake feeling oddly warm and comfortable, more than usual at least. And then it all comes back to me; Ali slept over and we kissed. WE KISSED. With that I jolt upright, waking Ali in the process. 

"Wha..." she groans groggily as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.

"Sorry..." I mumble. "We've got school in an hour, and my mother will be awake soon, so we'd hurry it up."  We get dressed in silence, as if we are both thinking the exact same thing, but are too afraid to bring it up, afraid it might cause the end of the world, but we can't not talk about it.

"Ali... I think we should talk about last night," I bite my lip in anticipation. 

"I'm sorry! I know it was a mistake and it will never happen again I promise!" She bursts. It hurts, but I know she's only afraid.

"What if I want it to?" I breathe nervously. With that, her eyes meet mine and she frowns a little. 

"Y-you mean, you don't think it was a mistake?" I smile at how cute she is when she's antsy. 

"I kissed you back! Did I not?" She smiles her soul melting smile as she takes my hand and leads me downstairs. In my own house? Bold!

We grab a bagel each and quickly butter them before rushing out the door so we aren't late.

Lunch finally comes around and we head to a quiet spot outside where no one really goes. We sit down and finally build up enough courage to ask her a few questions. 

"Not that I used to stalk you or anything, but I know you used to hang out with, Spencer, Aria and Mona. What happened?" I ask cautiously, worried she won't feel comfortable telling me.

"They - uh - turned against me for no good reason. At least they wouldn't tell me. Instead they took all of my other friends and turned them against me too, telling them nasty lies about me. The only time I ever see them is when they show up to kick me in the shin and run," she says, a distant look in her eyes as she unfolds her experience. 

"I'm sorry," I say with a hint of pity. "They were never truly your friends if they were willing to do that."

"People keep telling me that, but I have a hard time believing it. At one point, the were my friends. They were there for me when my parents told me they were getting a divorce and when my father died. They helped me through it all, and if they were never my friends, they did a damn good job pretending," she says almost angrily.

"Your father died too?" feeling relieved in the sense that I wasn't the only one who was unlucky enough.

"A year ago in a car accident," she informs me with the same distant look in her eyes, as if she's debating telling me more or not. She decides against. "So that's why I don't hang out with them anymore."

"That sucks, I'm sorry," I speak, unable to think of anything better to say. 

"It's okay! I've got you now," she turns her gaze towards me, exposing her white smile. I smile back, and without thinking, my hand finds hers and intertwines our fingers, causing her to smile wider and blush slightly. I rest my head on her shoulder and she rests her head on my head as I'm doing so, and we stay that way until the bell rings. "Come to my house after school?" she asks looking hopeful and happy.

"Sure, I'll just text my mother to let her know where I'm going," I tell her, grinning back at her to let her know I'm just as glad.

The rest of the day is finished in a blur as before I know it I'm sitting in Ali's room with her ranting away about our least favourite teacher. I feel so fortunate to have someone like her in my life. I feel as though I don't have to worry anymore with her by my side. It's nice for a change.

"Ali! Get over here now!" a woman's voice screams from downstairs. Ali hesitantly get's up from the bed, as if she knows what's coming her way and suddenly, I remember why she was crying at my house last night and raise as well.

"No. Stay," she says firmly, and I obey like a dog.

Alison's POV

As soon as I hear my mother's voice echo up to my room, I know exactly why. It's her. She knows Em is hear. I didn't think she'd be getting home until much later. I walk slowly down the stairs, bracing myself for what's to come.

"She's here isn't she?" she growls.

"Why do you care?" I reply, using the same tone as she did.

"DON'T YOU KNOW WHO HER MOM WAS??" She yells, probably loud enough for Emily to hears. "I bullied her mother, made her life so miserable she tried to kill herself at sixteen. and now her child is in my house. Can you understand it may be hard for me?" she lowers her voice, remembering why we're having this conversation in the first place.

"And that's nobody's fault but yours. I like Emily a lot, maybe more than just a friends, and I'm not - " she cuts me off with a slap to the face. I stumble backwards into the desk, knocking over her lamp. It shatters, making a loud crashing noise and Emily comes running downstairs, unable to stay put anymore.

"Ali! Let's get out of here!" she yells. I stumble towards the door, but I am not fast enough. My mother hugs my waist and throws me to the ground and begins kicking me. 

"Hang in there!" Emily screams as she runs back upstairs. What is she doing?

She continues kicking me hard in the side and soon, I am in too much pain to do anything anymore but accept my fate. I close my eyes, trying to trick my brain into enjoying the sensation of being kicked, until it spontaneously stops.

"Get off her!" Emily's voice fills the air.

"E-Emily," I cough up blood and spit it on the floor, missing my target by an inch or two. My mother shoves Emily back and she grunts as she makes contact with the wall. She moves in for a punch but Emily moves to the side and she punches the wall instead, throwing her off guard as Emily charges at her, knocking her to the ground as the police come barging in my house. 

"Put your hands where I can see them!" The first one barks at my mother as she stands up. Shocked, she obeys. They handcuff her wrists and take her out the door. What just happened?


Fanks for like 100 reads I think. Well as of now I've got 107 which is pretty cool!

Anyway, you know what to do by now! Thanks for reading!

~ Alex

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