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Quietly and carefully, I creep up the stairs. I'm not sure why I decide to creep up the stairs quietly, but I think it's because I'm scared she'll run from me if I don't present myself as calm and collected. It was my mother who said that I should check on her. I argued with her for a little on the idea, but I obviously lost... and... well... here I am.

I hesitantly knock twice on the door, before turning the knob and pushing the door slightly open so that I can peak before barging in on something I she wouldn't want me to see. But she was just lying there. She wasn't moving, nor was she sleeping. She was just lying there. Her eyes, which were on the ground, lift to mine, and her expression doesn't even change at this. It looks as though she doesn't recognize me.

Ignoring her look, I tiptoe around the bed, and crawl in on the opposite side. She turns a little as I do this, her expression still remaining emotionless, and she turns to face me. We lie there, gazing into each other's eyes, until she finally speaks.

"Can I kiss you?" she breathes. I try to keep my face expressionless as she asks me this, though I am successful, I am totally caught off guard by this sudden question. My stomach does a summersault and I nod slightly. She leans forward and kisses me softly before pulling away. But too soon for me. 

Feeling unsatisfied the previous kiss, I force my lips on hers kissing her furiously immediately, not being able to control myself anymore. She snakes her arms around my waist and pulls me so close to her that our fronts touch and I lose myself in her.

I play with the hem of her shirt, asking-no-begging for permission to remove her shirt. She licks at my lips, both giving me the okay and asking for entrance in my mouth, and I both remove my and shirt and accept her request, moaning quietly at her taste. She slips my shirt off as well and places one hand on my bare stomach as I place one on her bare back. She moans at this and I'm suddenly very turned on. I wrestle with her tongue and for the the first time I win dominance. 

I lick every inch of her mouth wanting all of it, tilting my head in difference directions as I do. She tangles her hands in my hair, as she begins kissing me harder, with more force. She bites down on my bottom lip hard and I groan, giving her the access again. 

She plays with my bra wanting to remove desperately and I pull away, smiling a little and she does. I place my and over her pants between her legs and rub a little. He holds my hand there with one hand while the other hand is on my breast. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. 

I hook my bra quickly back on and we both hatch the same plan. We fake sleep. I slow my breathing, trying to give the impression that I'm not aware of my breathing, as I hear the door open. My mother's voice then echoes. 

"Dinner is ready, girls," she announces. Ali and I pretend to stir around in bed, before fully 'waking' and rubbing our eyes, wiping the 'sleep' from them. She turns and closes the leaving us alone together again. Turn to look at each other and burst into a laughing fit. 

Once we've calmed ourselves, we pull our shirts back over our heads and head downstairs to the dinner table. 

"How're you feeling, Ali?" My mother bluntly asks, I give her a look to warn her to stop, but she ignored and kept her gaze on Ali, who had nearly choked at this. 

"I-I'm okay, Pam," she stutters. "I've had time to process and come to terms with it, and though it upsets me, and was a lot to take in, I know that there's nothing I can do about it, and that they both can't come anywhere near me."

"Very mature of you," she smiles at her. "I'm proud of you both. You're both so brave and I'm so proud to be your mother." Ali and I smile as well at this. I think it made Ali feel more welcome into our family, and that made me happy as well.

We ate our food while telling funny and crazy stories, laughing and gaping in awe (of course, covering our mouths politely as we did so). We overall just had a great time together and I got the family vibes that I've missed since my father died a while ago. 

"All right! You two should head upstairs and get your homework done for the day," my mother states. 

"Yes, thank you so much for this lovely dinner, Pam! I was very tasty!" I giggle at how cute Ali is when she's trying to be polite.

My mother laughs and brushes her compliment off, as we head back up to my room. 

"We should get some sleep," I advise. She grins and nods at me and we climb into bed. 

"I love you, Emily." I freeze I am so thrown off by this. 

"Y-y-you do?" I manage to stammer. "I-I love you too, Alison." I don't just say this to make her feel good about what she confessed, but I rather say it because I mean it. I've loved her from the moment I saw her in the bathroom. Hearing her say it made my day, and that's how I know I love her right back. 

She inches herself closer to me and wraps an arm around me, so that we are in a spooning position. I curl up even closer to her, smiling at how our bodies fit almost perfectly together. I place my hand on her and close my eyes, allowing myself to drift off as I think about how lucky I am to have someone like her in my life.


Some happiness! Yay! 

Okay so school starts tomorrow which means I'll be updating later. I've got a day off on Thursday, but I'm back on on Friday. So I'll update at different times. Not that anyone really cares XD I'm just letting you know heh. 

Anyway, you know what to do! Thanks for reading!


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