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Ophelia sat with her knees pressed against the marble floor of the hallway, a wet towel gripped tightly in her hand as she scrubbed off what she hoped was red paint that was splattered onto the door of Princess Aaliyah's chambers

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Ophelia sat with her knees pressed against the marble floor of the hallway, a wet towel gripped tightly in her hand as she scrubbed off what she hoped was red paint that was splattered onto the door of Princess Aaliyah's chambers. Her hands shook and her lip quivered as she thought of the horror that the Princess must have been feeling. Sure, Ophelia didn't know much about her personally but she knew that the princess didn't deserve this.

The red 'X' was painted onto the door at approximately midnight and somehow someone had managed to sneak into the room and pin the severed head of a bull to her wall. There was still fresh blood dripping from it's mouth and neck. Princess Aaliyah had said that she had slept through the night without disturbance and she had no idea of who could have done such a thing and how they could have done it. It was soon confirmed that her tea had been drugged with poppy seeds which had caused her to sleep so deep that she did not wake throughout the crime.

Ophelia could hear the muffled voices from inside the room as she drained the towel into a bucket and pushed herself off of the floor. She reached upwards and swiped at the top half of the door. The princess was quickly moved into what Ophelia believed was a safer part of the castle so there was no need for any worry about her privacy. Although, Ophelia doubted that even after vacating her bedroom she would be able to have any said privacy. There were double the number of guards assigned to her and they were to be wherever she is at all times.

Once the door was completely rid of the stain, Ophelia threw the towel into the bucket of dirty water and pulled it to the side. The sound of fast paced and stressed footsteps tugged at her attention and her head snapped into the direction it was coming from. Her eyes widened and she stepped back, bowing her head slightly in respect. Of course, she didn't really have much choice other than to bow to the prince.

Black was the color of the suit he wore and his dress shirt a contrasting white. A blue tie was loosely flung over his neck and the top buttons of his shirt were undone. Prince Shawn was most definitely eye catching. He was beautiful. His dark brown hair seemed as if it shone beneath the sunlight streaming in from the large windows and his eyes were a chestnut color that glimmered with youth and confidence, gentle wisps of his hair falling over his forehead in loose curls. His skin was pale and clear as the summer sky. The prince was tall and walked with grace despite the stress he must have been feeling for his younger sister.

"When did this happen?" His angry voice rang through her ears as he moved towards the door. "And how did this happen?"

It was rare that anyone ever saw the prince angry. In fact, it was rare that they ever saw him upset either. Even though he may have a lot of weight falling onto his shoulders he never let anyone know how he was really feeling. If he was sad, if he was angry or stressed out; he never let anyone see it. More often than not he would keep his emotions to himself.

Ophelia's eye caught his own as she pushed the door open for the men and women who walked in front of him. His eyes were softer than she had expected and filled with a fiery compassion that reminded her of the rays of morning sun that would stream into her bedroom from the cracks in her curtains. Biting his lip, the prince frowns and turns away before he steps into the room.

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