Chapter Three - Grand Babies

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"That is five dollars please." I hand her a five, get my ticket and walk away.

I sigh and walk towards the stands. So many people. Where do I sit?

Yes, I decided to come to the game. I had to. He made me. Well, that's what I've been telling myself.

I walk up the bleachers and find a spot in the far back, away from everyone.

Soon enough the game starts and I sigh in relief. The faster the game starts the faster it ends. Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy watching football. I just have no friends. So, I'm bored.

Right when they get on the field the game is intense. But, we are slightly better. You can tell. They keep fumbling and overthrowing the ball. But, they have a pretty solid defense, except our offense is slightly better.

I was so caught up in the game I didn't realize how much time had passed. The game was over before I knew it. The final score being  30-17.

I stand up shivering, I pull Alexander's jacket tighter around me. I still have it, he told me to give it to him after the game. As if I would stay that long.

I walk down the bleachers and head towards the parking lot. 

"Emily!" Damn it.

I turn around with a smile, "Alexander."

He looks at me with a blank face, "You were going to leave."

I feign shock, "What? Never."

He rolls his eyes, "I know you were going to leave, I knew since when I said you could give me my jacket after the game."

I scowl at him, "I dislike you very much."

"I love you, too." And my stomach did a somersault. 

I start to take his jacket off, but he stops me. "Keep it."

I look at him shocked, "You said to give it back."

"I said that in hopes of you staying after. But I knew you wouldn't."

"It's not mine though. You should keep it."

He shrugs, "Give it to me on Monday."


"Stop arguing." I glare at him, but put it on nonetheless. He smiles in satisfaction, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "So, where are we going?"

"Uh, nowhere? What are you talking about?" 

"Come on, Em. Let's go hang out somewhere, I never see you outside of school."

I look up at him, with a bored expression, "That's because I prefer being in my bed." 

He smirks, "You could've called me. I would have joined you."

I elbow him, "Pervert."

"I'm kidding, Em. But really, I'd like to hang out with you."

"I don't have your number." I make an excuse. A very, very lame one. But he just laughs.

"Give me your phone then."


He rolls his eyes, "Can you just hand me the damn phone?"

I sigh, "No need to curse." And I grab my phone out of one of the jacket pockets - realizing if he took the jacket he would have my phone - and hand it to him. He grabs it and a couple seconds later hands it back.

"Where are we going though? For real."

I shrug, "I don't freaking know. I thought I was going home." I tell him honestly.

"Well, that's not going to happen." He shakes his head, looking around, "Where is your car?"

"Don't have one."

"You walked?"


He turn us to walk the other way, "Mine is this way then."

Once we get to his car he opens the door for me then gets in on his side. "Are we actually going somewhere?" He nods. "Then I have to call my mom."

My phone starts to ring and Alexander turns the radio down. 


"Hey mom. I won't be home until later, okay?"


"My friend is kidnapping me." I glance at Alexander.

"No, I'm not!"

"Oh my gosh! You have a friend? Yayyy! And he's a boy? Double yay! Stay out as late as you want. Just don't come home with my grand babies in you." I close my eyes and groan. I hear Alexander laugh.


"Sorry. Sorry. Okay, go have fun. Okay? No grand babies! Bye. Love you!"

I put my face in my hands and sigh. 

Why me, God? Why me?

"Grand babies, huh?" 

"Shut up, Alexander." I tell him, knowing he'd stop after his full name.

"Don't use my full name, Emily."

"It doesn't work on me. That's all I'm called."

He grumbles under his breath. "What do you want to eat?"

I clench my jaw, "I'm not hungry."

He scoffs, "I don't care. I'm buying food and you're going to eat it."


"What did I say about buts?"

And I was silent the rest of the way. I really enjoy his company. But he can't make me eat. Isn't that illegal? Probably not, but still. I am hungry, though. But I can't. I need to lose weight. I have to. 

One meal wouldn't hurt.

I don't know.

Just one.

"Emily. We are here." Alexander's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up and see Perry's Pizza's.

My stomach growls. I guess one meal wouldn't hurt. And I have my pills at home. 

I get out and wait for Alexander, hugging his jacket closer to me.

Did it get colder?

"You're welcome. You're lucky I let you keep the jacket. It's cold as fuck." I hear him laugh. I glare at the ground.

"Can we just get inside?" He grabs my hand and drags me inside, faster than my legs can carry me. 

Once inside I'm breathing heavy. I should probably start working out. Alexander just laughs at me and continues to treat me as if I'm a potato sack. I sigh.

When he stops, I step away from him and go get us a booth. A couple minutes later he comes and sits across from me.

I look at his jacket and back at him, "You know I'm practically drowning in this."

He nods, "Yeah, I like how it looks on you though." 

And I blush. I need to, like not do that anymore. 

Then our pizza comes out. I wait until he grabs a piece and I slowly take one. And once I take a bite out of it I forget why I ever stopped eating pizza. And I moan. I actually moaned. I hear Alexander laughing at me, but I pay him no mind.

The pizza is just so good.

"I thought you weren't hungry?" His smile is contagious.

I grin, "Shut up."

"You know this qualifies as our first date."

"Shut up."

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