Chapter 16

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*Warning: from this point on there may be occasional swearing because they're teenagers. They swear. (Very sparse, and nothing too strong)*

Nico POV:
It took me eighteen minutes to find the car with the same licence plate as the one Percy got into. It seemed like way too long.
I materialised from darkness in the backseat.
"Hey Perce," I greeted, hopefully not to quickly, as a jerk of the wheel could send us flying to our deaths.
Still, he jumped and slightly glared at me while I climbed over the seat to sit on the passenger's side.
"Nico oh my gods you have to stop doing that,"
The glare melted, relief and worry taking it's place.
"Is camp okay? Are we holding up? H-has anyone died?" He mumbled the last question, and I thanked Ares I didn't have to say yes.
"We're holding up as best we can, the barriers are helping a lot. It's more of imprisonment then war. I'm the only one who can leave, couresty of the shadows. There's a few injuries, but no deaths,"
"That's great," There was a pause, "How'd you find me anyway?"
That reminded me. I reached into my pocket and unfolded a slip of paper I'd managed to take from the pile of files earlier. It was the notice of Percy's last sighting.
"Percy, those government agents know you were at that diner," I said, and handed him the paper, motioning for him to read.
He did, and his features showed his annoyance, and he cursed in Greek.
"Why can't they just leave me alone? I'm almost to the cabin already. It's not like I can avoid them now,"
A realization seemed to hit, "Wait Nico, how do you know about the government agents?"
I sighed, he is going to flip when he hears they have Paul detained. Merely one reason why I don't want to tell him, but I do. The whole story.
As I close my mouth, he speaks, and his voice betrays his fury, though he tries so hard to keep calm.
"Why does the goddamn government have to meddle in my life now of all times. They better not touch Paul," He seethed, teeth clenched.
"Percy, you know those agents are waiting for you ahead. What are you going to do?"
He cocked his head, "Intimidate them."

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