Chapter 28

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Percy POV:

I went and stood beside Tony, watching Thor from the corner of my eye, while Doctor Banner got up and took Riptide from Natasha. As soon as he picked it up, it vanished. I could feel the weight of the pen return to my pocket. Doctor Banner stared a moment, then started rambling.
"Where'd it go? Did I break it? Did I drop it?" He continued making guesses until I stepped forward and put a hand on his arm, catching his attention.
"Relax, Doctor Banner. You didn't lose it." I reached into my pocket and pulled out Riptide, in pen form. "It does that when it's around people it doesn't like." I said jokingly, and sent a pointed glance at Natasha, who glared back.
"Are you saying it's...sentient?" Doctor Banner said, fasinated.
"No, it's just enchanted."
"Oh yeah, just enchanted, no big deal." Tony piped up from where he had moved to the other side of Natasha.
Natasha seemed to run out of patience, because she snatched the pen from Doctor Banner and set it down, before handing me the sword she had before placed on the table. Taking the hint, and the sword, I stepped onto the mat and dropped into the proper stance. Natasha soon joined me, and once Tony called to start, after addressing I couldn't use my 'supposed god magic,' we began. I understood by now that my opponent was highly trained, and probably knew as many offensive moves as defense. So I let her pounce, attack first. Defend until she made a mistake.
Which it turns out didn't take as long as I thought it would. Clearly she wasn't trained as well in swordplay as she claimed. She moved her sword back high after a failed attack, leaving her lower body undefended for too long, I could get my sword there faster than she could. As I moved my sword, I was punched in the nose. "Didn't know we were playing dirty," I said after she backed away. Natasha only smiled. Then it was back to flying swords.
The next time she made a mistake was after she moved too far right. It was just a step, but it left her wide open for a sneak attack. Since we were now staggered instead of directly in front of one another, when I stepped closer to attack her side, she didn't notice my fist going straight for her open stomach. Knocked down, her sword fell away and she was left lying on the ground.
That was when Tony called to stop. Being a good sport, I offered to help her up, but it seems she didn't like being beaten. Natasha stalked over to the table to put the sword down, and pick up the pen. It was back in my pocket by then though. Seeming to notice this, she walked over to me and waved Thor over with us.
"Alright, if you hadn't beaten me, I would've claimed that pen was the one with the godly magic, but no one else in this facility could beat me in sword fight. So for now, sure, you're a god. However you seem to be an oddly cooperative, if not overly sarcastic, one. Why?"
"Well you're not exactly torturous." At least they don't seem to be convinced I need maximum security, so maybe I can escape when I have to.
"If we move you to a slightly more confortable room, will you stay there?"
"I will until you want me to move, swear it on the Styx."
"He'll stay there." Thor, at least seemed to know what the Styx was, and what swearing on it meant. Did they use that on Asgard, wherever that is, too?
"Alright, follow me. Tony, Bruce, go tell Fury." With that, Natasha strolled out of the room.
They nodded, and I followed Natasha.

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