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I'm so afraid to be happy
just everytime I'm too Happy things happen unexpectedly
I can't bear things will happen
Once my heart broken

I isolated myself !
I run away from things that make's me inferior

Does it wrong to protect myself ?! Cause thats the only thing I knew that protecting

Society is like a luring disease
Just like deceiving you to take a bait
Once your in you never knew it eating you to death
Like some of those words have blades wounded you not just in flesh also by your spirit
And claws scratching you slow and slow that pain so agony
I Isolated myself. Does it called cowardliness? Cause I'm so afraid to fallen into trap again and again
I give Love selflessly yet no one feel the same like I do to them Instead left my heart broken

They go away, they all go away, run and leaving me helplessly
Maybe I'm a worthless person so deserve this devastation
Why is it loving can be so aching
I never knew love can be this tormenting
Stop, it's hurting
I can't breathe
It feels Breathless

I'm now isolated

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✌Peace 😊✴
Love love 😘

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