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Once I'm a person that full of joy
Driven  and really quite a Dreamer
I know I'm young before it's all done
Cause I really wanted to be that successful one
Of course make you proud as I sought
From living in my simple Invision
Like now I'm a hindrance from you no more
Like I do things for living my goal
I just take the time to enjoy my moment
A mistake I admit cause it's consume my age
But why you verbally too harsh at me
But why your words is  hurting than the wound you cause me
It's like digging the ground for a hole
Buried me deep deep down whole
Now I become a very coward  one

Once I'm a  person that full of joy
That was me once and joy is gone
Replace by aching soul and mind
Can you say it slow cause just Everytime you do
Words clawing my heart, painted my soul
Left a mark I know there is no erasures

I can accept if just hit me with the steel
Or punch me hard in the face
Break bones spill my blood all in physical
Cause Wounds will heal in anytime it well
But no you didn't because what hurt the most is your words
Shattered my heart and soul leaving a stain along
It covered my whole like black hollow and it agony very slow
Tainted  insanity all over me

Holding my both feet dragging me down to the ground
Unleash the darkest that never been me before
Like driven turn to drown in low esteem and self can't control
Scared for trying thing unknown
Lost in focus my mind dreamt of
Would you realize what you'd done
Your dragging me to my grave like a corpse
Emotionless from the pain you cause

Lifeless from hurt you gave
And the saddest thing is
I let you do these to myself
Cause I'm never knew you master me
I guess forgot I had a choice
I let push me past my breaking point
I never know what I want anymore
Following your every order

When will you ever realize you doing these
When you find me there six feet underground

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