"Saints and Sinner"

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Noise buzzing, traffic lights blinking, cars rushing
Words they speak seems like noise rumbling
The room is full with crowded people
Here she is, is She belong
She feel like all alone in this empty room
It's crowded with people yet empty on its own

They stay away from her like she's  a plague
Just come when ever they want something for her
And go when no longer wanted
But when ever She one needed no one there to aid
But Ofcourse she's kind and willing
Delighted everyone who ever come for help even though in the end they go
Leaving her alone after they used her
And she no longer wanted and left alone

She wanted to be welcome and feel the love in return
That all she need for abet she offer
Like what she gave for who ever needed even just wanted
She knows she is not a saint but a naive I think
Neither She's not a Sinner but broken heart create anger

It is heal for times but crack in seasons
Cause everytime it heals She start to open again
But shattered again and again
It feels good to be love and wanted but it's so devastated when it's broken
How will She suppose to do thing cannot undo
They united like Saints and Sinners do

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