"Sugar coated"

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They talk sweet like candies and cupcakes
Which I myself willingly want to take
The toppings filled with colorful sweets
I was willingly wanted to taste
I guess it is just all sugar coated
Cause the inside is poisoned bake

They says "I have these, I have that"
"We can talk and have a long chit chat"
"We can be friends" yet  I know it's just a front

"Cause tomorrow when I get hold you in my hands
Then soon you will do all my favor"
What are we friends for if  I don't give you my hour
They walk in your life then leave you after they take what they want

But no I was wrong it is all for a show leading me to fall
I was naive all I wanted is real vein
Yet all I get is bugos like fake coating
Fool to trust that you'll words true
Plastic the same as their manners
They're with you when  your plenty
But gone when your less

Leaving me behind the like useless corpse
Dead and lifeless being
Because you see when I gave love
I give it whole like everything all
How can I cannot sharing love is a wonderful gift
See, when they gone it left my empty
They take all as will as my humanity

How could these be I let them fool me
Letting my walls down opening my gates
Wrong move I make
Sugar sweet like pastries words they said
They are all wrapped fake and sugar coated

"The Unspoken" ✒ [POETRY]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ