11) Stories which are Diary Entries

This only pisses me off because I've never found a good story with this layout.

12) Fake out lemon scenes

You know, when things are getting steamy and passionate and then just as their about to do any real smut, the chapter ends/time skip to the next morning

13) More than 3 dots (...)

E.g. He didn't look well at all.........

STOP! You only need three!

14) When people use asterisks ( * )

E.g. *Yawn* It was morning and I was getting out of bed *stretches and puts on shoes* I'm hungry. I go downstairs and get food *eats breakfast* after breakfast... etc

Please put time and effort into description, don't just state it as a fact between two asterisks. If you don't put effort into your story, why should we put effort into reading it?

15) When the blurb sucks

I get that some blurbs are short to keep it snappy, or long to really explain the fundamentals, but somehow they can go so wrong.

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Personally, I like blurbs that actually explain the story, so I know what I'm getting into. If not, it seems unprofessional, and is a huge story turn off for me.

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