~||Chapter 3||~

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||Norway, Oslo - 20 Years Ago||

//Paul's Point of View//

"Dad, why do you think everyone is taking so long?" Tord pouted, folding his arms. Today was Tord's birthday, and he invited everyone in his class.

I held my breath, ruffling his hair. The party started at 4:00 and it was already 4:45.

"Buddy... Maybe everyone is busy....?" Tord looked up at me, tears threatening to spill. God the sight broke my heart. Pat let out a heavy sigh, standing up.

"We can go out for pizza and games if no one shows up by 5, okay?"

Tord sniffled, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. "O-Okay Pa..."


No one showed up.

Tord slowly got up, hanging his head with sorrow as he began to trudge to his room.

Then a knock came.

All of our heads snapped to the door. Pat and I opened the door to see a chubby couple with a son who wore a green hoodie that fit big on him.

"Ah- Is this the uh, Lund home?" The man spoke, wincing slightly.

"Er, yes, and you are?"

"I'm Jacob Moore, this is my wife Ellen, and our son Edd." His wife smiled, sticking out her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is ours, my name is Paul and this is my husband Patryk."

"Hi." Pat smiled shaking Ellen's hand. The couples smile didn't falter, it only grew warmer.

"Is Tord here?" The small boy in green chirped. Pat nodded and smiled.

"Yes he's-" Just then, Tord pushed through our legs almost toppling over the boy.

"Edd! You made it!"

"Heh yeah, sorry we took so long. We got lost." Edd's nose crinkled up at a hit at the word lost, but he snapped back to the happy exterior.

"It's alright! You're here now!"


Both boys giggled, cute. "Please, come in." Pat cooed, stepping away with the doorway. I followed his action, inviting the family inside. We made it to the backyard when the boys came running out.

"Papa papa! Someone is at the door!"

I looked at Pat who gave me a reassuring nod as I went with both boys to open the door. There stood a tall ginger man and a short dark haired woman. They had a gingered son, who had a square chin.

"Hello, I'm Paul and this is my son Tord."

"And I'm Edd!" The green-hooded child chirped from behind.

"Ah, nice to meet you, Mr. Lund. I'm William Evans and this is my wife Jessica. We're here with our son Matthew-" The purple hooded boy frowned tugging at his father's green overcoat, "I mean Matt."

"Come on in, the party's in the backyard." I smiled, gesturing on the inside.

Matt joined Tord and his green friend, as the three boys began to talk about whatever kids talk about nowadays.

Only halfway through the hall, there was another knock. I looked at the Evans couple and smiled sheepishly.

"You guys go on in, my husband Pat is outside. I'll go see who that is." They nodded, as I moved my way past them to the door. Tord and his friends were sitting on the stairs, looking at the door eagerly.

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