~||Chapter 6||~

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||Flashback - 8 Years Ago||

"Eyeless freak!"

"Emo faggot!"

"Kill yourself you freak!"

The chants became louder and louder, sharp pains hitting Tom in various areas. He had been betrayed by his very own best friend - Tord. He had agreed to go with Tord to Grey's house to hang out, what a stupid idea. He should've known that they just wanted to torment him. He gave a good fight the first 10 minutes but gave in when Tord began to scream insults at him.

The betrayal was more painful than the beatings and insult. Tom laid on the floor numbly, letting them do whatever. He felt a warm liquid on him - Grey was pissing on him.

"How pathetic. Glad you left the loser - Come on Tord, let's go get some beer and chicks."

"Yeah..." Tord's voice shot through Tom's heart, 'He doesn't even care about me...'

The laughter and mocks of the boys faded as they got into their cars and left. Tom curled up, crying softly onto the ground. Everything was hell, he didn't care anymore.

"Tom? Tommy?"

Tom raised his head slightly, recognizing the sweet angelic voice- His mother. She was a short woman with blue hair pulled into a sloppy bun. She wore a gray shirt and capris with her traditional white pearls. Ever since his father's death, his mother had changed dramatically.

 Ever since his father's death, his mother had changed dramatically

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//Not my art - That's what Tom's mom looks like.

"T-Tom!" His mother ran over to his side, holding him close. "Oh Tommy, what happened to you?" Her voice was frail, running her fingers through her son's hair. "T-Tord..." Tom's mom jerked her head back in shock. "What?!- I-"

"I-I know mom... I'm shocked too..."

She bit her lip, helping her son up. "Come on, l-let's get you home..." She whispered softly, taking her son to the car. The car ride was silent and tense, the sniffling was heard from them both.

It was a long night for Tom, so he was grateful his mom just let him clean up and sleep. The next morning, tea and waffles awaited him along with an anxious mother. Sitting down, he took a deep breath. "Tom, what happened?"

"Tord and his friends jumped me..." Tom mumbled, playing with his food. Tears watered in his eyes, not wanting to get into the detail of what happened. "Thomas... There's something else..." His mother could see past what Tom was saying and knew there was something more. Taking a deep breath, Tom's eyes watered.

"He said he loved me and I-I loved him too but.. I-It was all just a cruel joke..." Tom buried his face in his hands, crying softly. His mother came over, hugging her son tightly. She was pretty supportive of Tom being gay, despite her being religious. "It's okay son... You'll find someone better.."

I took a deep breath, huffing softly as I nuzzled into my mom's embrace, crying softly.

Until a knock came from the door.

My mom got up to open the door. Letting out a shriek, I jumped running to the hallways. "GET OUT! GET OUT OF HERE! GET OFF MY PROPERTY!" She screamed, hitting whoever was at the door. I saw a glimpse of Paul, before bolting towards the back door and leaving the house. I jumped over the fence and bolted into the forest not returning until I felt safe.

||Present Time||

//Normal Point of View//

The jets roared over the base, showering the base with bullets. The sky was dark and red, the sunset painting the atmosphere with war. The soldiers from below were at war with the enemies on earth and from the skies. Jets fired at each other, planes crashing down into the forest.

Inside, Tord blasted through a wall, scrambling up to his feet as Jørgen bolted near to land another hit. Tord swept-kicked Jørgen of his feet, pinning him down as he began to throw repeated punches. The Red Leader was in full fury, slamming his fist into Jørgen's face

Tord could've sworn he was seeing red, the words of murder and killing repeated in his head. This man was responsible for everything. He separated him from his mother, he took away his king and children, this man was a constant thorn in his side. Gripping his fist together, he slammed them into Jørgen's face, breaking his jaw. Jørgen let out a screech of pain, kicking Tord off of him. He straddled his son onto the ground, holding a knife to his neck. He slowly began to cut, blood dripping down as Tord began to gurgle on his own blood gasping for air.


Both of the older men's head snapped up, looking at the source of the noise. Tove stood at the foot of the hallway half shifted. Her hair spiked up, her body vibrating with a strong dark aura. She snarled, shifting into a full-blown monster before bolting at Jørgen biting at his neck. Letting out a hiss of irritation Jørgen stabbed his knife into Tove's gut. She let out a low growl, her muscles freezing as blood pooled from her mouth. Shoving her off of him, Jørgen let out a sneer of disgust...

And just like that, the flip in Tord's brain switched. Charging at his father, he grabbed his head, slamming his knee into his skull a pleasant crack could be heard. Pushing him back, Tord grabbed his jaw and the top of his head, rotating his head back causing a large snap to be heard. Tord growled softly, tears flowing down his cheeks before he turned to a now-human Tove. Rushing over, he held his daughter in his arms.

"D-Daddy, It hurts a lot..." She whispered, crying gently. The wound didn't look fatal, but Tord wasn't taking any chances. Bolting down the stairs, he froze seeing what was going on the lower floor. Tom was in his monster form, wailing a chilling sob. Tom shrieked at the soldiers below, his legs chained to the ground.

Tord took in a breath, running down the stairs in front of the monster, holding Tove up above him. She let out a cry, horrified of the monster not knowing it was her father. The monster stopped, leaning forward sniffing Tove before slowly shifting back to his original form.

"Tove! Oh god- What happened to her?!" Tom screamed, tripping over the chains as he tried to come near. The Norwegian ran to Tom's side, placing their baby girl in between them. Tom cried softly, running his fingers through her hair. "MEDIC!" Tord's head jerked up, tears running down his cheeks as he saw a medic running over. He took Tove from their arms examining her before letting out a sharp breath. "She'll need rest and lots of stitches - She should be fine, but we need to get her somewhere safe..." He mumbled, motioning to the destruction outside. The red leader nodded, helping Tom out of the chains. "My love, stay with our child and the medic - I will go outside and help calm down the war and find Teddy."

"What about Jørgen?"

"He's dead my love."

Tom bit his lip softly, nodding gently before running with Medic who had Tove in his hands.

Tord ran out to the battlefield, seeing only a few of the Black Army soldiers still standing. Grabbing a gun from a dead corpse, he helped with the fire killing 3, while the over 2 ran away. The Red Leader held his hand up, stopping his soldiers from chasing after them. It was no use to chase after the cowards, they have no army to go back to now...

"Tord!" Paul called from afar, running towards me with Pat on his right and.... Teddy on his left. Tord's eye lightened up with hope as he dashed towards the couple, swooping up his child in his arms, crying tears of joy.

"Oh my sweet son, you're alive." His accent purred softly, as he gripped his child in his arms. He nuzzled his face into his son's hair, sobbing quietly as he son clung tightly to him.

"D-Daddy, A-Are we gonna be okay?..."

"Yes, my morning star..." Tord looked up at the soft pink sky, tears trickling down his cheeks. "We're all gonna be okay."

-The End(The real one this time)-

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