Break up?!?!?!?!?!????

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Marionettes pov)
Two months after the......well you know )

She sighs her and chat have literally only been having sex lately he gets here and expects sex

I'm sick of it

She sits up in her bed and calls adrien she hasn't talked to him in forever
He answers
"Hey!  Marionette how are you " he says happily
"I'm good... well not really " she sighs looking down
"What's up " he asks worried
"Well I met this guy and he's always expecting me to do stuff what do I do I'm so confused and pissed and I don't know if should keep hanging out or dating him because I hate this " she says very very fastly
"Well princess it's up to you if you wanna stay with him because you love him do it
I'd stay with him because he sounds like a good guy " he coughs awkwardly "but what if I still have feelings for someone else " I hear him growl why did Adrian growl?
"Are you ok " I say softly
"Im fine I gotta go " he says hanging up I sigh and message alya "I'm leaving chat " I text her.........

(DO THEY BREAK UP???? Who knows

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