New kid

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Me and Adrian have been dating for the past 2 months happily..we have fought but hey it happens right anyway...~

I wake up yawning softly the shining sun is in my eyes "a-ah stupid sun "I grumble softly and I stand up. I look around slightly confused "oh marionette your awake "Adrian smiles walking out from the bathroom I realise I'm in Adrian's room

I nod slowly and he kisses me softly "what happened last night baby " I yawn softly after kissing him back "you came over in the middle of the night and we..well you can guess " he chuckles and my eyes widen I'm not normally like that
It's usually Adrian who does that..I would never..I look Adrian into his beautiful green eyes and smiles faking what I'm feeling "ok babe thank you "I smile and get into my normal clothes and I stand up looking for my bag "Adrian!! I can't find my bag" i yell after looking around for at least 10 minutes he points out that I didn't bring it and I run out side and run towards the bakery

It's a long run but I get there panting "mom! Dad! I can't find my bag" they sigh "it's in your room honey and next time please inform us when your gonna randomly run off too your boyfriends house please..
we would really appreciate knowing we're you are if your safe who's house your staying at..if so are their parents informed..we need to know that information " my mother lectures me while my father stands next to her "now run off and get to school "   my father says and I nod running out the door as the wind rushes past my face I hear the birds chirp the millions of cars leaving a loud quite scary roaring noise that I am quite use to.
Once I get to school I start to feel dizzy and very sick.. I groan softly as I know this sudden feeling of wanting to vomit can only mean one thing...I'm hungover.. but I don't remember drinking Alya walks up to me "woah marionette did you forgot to put makeup on it's ok thou you look beautiful " she giggles and I smile shrugging laughing  I hear a faint chuckle behind me expecting it to be Adrien I turn around "bab-" my heart stops as I see him. A boy with dark black hair and blue eyes look up at me. His complexion pale with freckles on his cheeks his teeth quite white I feel a blush form on my face and I quickly turn away seeing adrien walk in smiling he leans down and kisses me thankfully not noticing the blush he sits next to the new kid and smiles
"Hey I'm adrien agrest " he smiles
"I'm..Seth...nikodo.." he sighs and he puts his earphones into his ear completely ignoring adrien (((( HEY I KNOW I HAVENT POSTED IN....months but I'll try to post more often

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