Heart break

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Chats pov ))))
My heart stops when I see those  words

We need to talk
About what
I'm going insane I can't lose her it can't happen
"Chat come over to mine at 9:30 please " she texts I sigh and look at the time it's 9:00 "plagg claws out"
I race across the roof tops reaching marionettes roof
She's sitting there "hey kitty " she says softly
"Hey princess " I say and go to kiss her she looks away and my chest goes tight like I just got stabbed in the heart
"Chat I think we need a break" she says tears appear on her eyes and I look at her "no no please don't princess I'll do anything I'll never ask you for anything anymore I won't kiss you I won't be annoying I was be an ass anymore please don't break up with me "I say really really fast

"Chat " she says "it's over "

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