Are they together

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Marionettes POV~

"C-chat I don't we really even work.." I look into his big beautiful green eyes, I can tell he is hurting and it kills me

But maybe it's for the Best..but I do miss him..I miss kissing him and laughing with him and cuddling with him..arghh why is my kitty so not my kitty

"Please marionette I'm begging you I need you "he explains tears start flowing down his cheek I stand up and my hands slowly reach his cheeks wiping away the tears that are now staining his cheeks, I lean in and kiss his nose

"We can't kitty it's not right we don't make sense" I squeak out and he slams his lips into mine, my eyes widen in surprise and a little moan slips out and I feel his hands go under my Shirt

I've missed this 

I finally kiss bsck kissing his lips his taste. He moves his lips caressing my neck with them, he rolls his hips against mine. I moan out and grip his hair "c-chat "I moan and kiss him hard holding his hands at my ass

He smirks "so you do miss me "he licks up my neck "he moans as  I roll my hips against his crotch, I feel his rock hard bulge "s-shut up "I blush and push him away "no we can't do this, we aren't together and we aren't gonna be

Marichat  me  how I can be falling in love Where stories live. Discover now