Origin of Iblis

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Before we started the story of Iblis, the first thing we need to understand that this story is constructed from Israelite scriptures and narrations. We neither verify this information about the Iblis that it is authentic nor we are denying it that this information is incorrect or fabricated. The scholar of Qur'an Tafseer collected this information asm relevant to the scripts and hints that were found in Qur'an.

Before the Allah (SWT) created Adam (AS), Allah created Jinn, and Iblis is from Jinn. Once the earth was occupied by these jinn; they were the only inhabitant on earth formerly then mankind. Allah (SWT) gave them a responsibility to recognize him as there lord as their creator and he is only one to be worshiped.

Allah sends Jinn messenger on earth, to tell them this message; but those messenger Jinn sent by Allah (SWT) were slayed in many numbers by the Jinn on the earth. That was an era of great corruption prevailed on earth by Jinn; and there was a Jinn that was very religious amongst all. He was Iblis.

Iblis was a pious jinn, and he started to worship Allah (SWT) to the degree that no space on heavens that Iblis has gone there and worship Allah, Mean he covered every possible place to his reach. He was so dedicated to worshiping Allah (SWT) that Allah (SWT) permits him to join the community of angels.

Now seeing all that exploitation on earth, Allah (SWT) decides to send angels down to the earth to banish all the jinn that cause corruption. Iblis offered that he can go with the angel and slay all those who ruined the earth; and Allah (SWT) gave him the permission. So the Iblis and Angels go there and slew a lot of jinn, until few of them are left.

(Today all the Jinn in the world are their progeny)

After this battle, when Iblis came back to Allah (SWT), suddenly Allah(SWT) reviled to the angels, that I am about to make a Khalifah (Governor) on earth, some-one who take second command or rule again on earth after the last reigning. When Allah declared that, Iblis became very happy, because there is going to be a nomination possibly from the jinn again. But Allah verdict is now that he will made his new creation the Khalifah on earth; Iblis was stunned when he heard that.

Allah (SWT) was already pronounced to the angels that I am going to create a man from the dirt. When angels heard that they got scared; they said Ya'Rab (O' Lord) we are glorifying you, we are worshipping you, in other word they are asking from Allah are you happy from us. Allah (SWT) says: you don't know what I am saying; I will show you what I meant.

At that time Iblis was thinking that he was the one who will get this position, not the man created from the dirt. And so Allah (SWT) created the body of Adam (AS) with dirt, but still there is no soul in it. Then Iblis came to see this new creation of Allah (SWT), who will command the earth after jinn.

When Iblis saw Adam (AS), he saw a formation made of clay unlike, angel or Jinns this creation has a thick, a solid form, he was not yet alive as there was no soul in it. Iblis find out that he can glide through the body of Adam (AS), because Iblis is a Jinn, he is made from the smokeless Fire, he is raw energy, he can glide through the clay formatted body of Adam (AS).

When Iblis flew in to the body of Adam (AS), he finds out that he was hollow, although he is made from solid clay, he is still unfilled from inside; when Iblis knock the body of Adam (AS), it reverberated. As he is revolving around the Adam (AS) and looking this new creation of Allah (SWT) from different viewpoints, there is a feeling that started to grow inside the heart of Iblis, and that was jealousy.

And as the time passes the body of Adam(AS) started to get harden and taking form, the jealousy was keep rising in the heart of Iblis until it completely coup his heart. Then Allah (SWT) blow the soul into the body of Adam (AS) and he came alive.

And then Allah said to the angel that bows down to Adam (AS), and immediately they all bow down to Adam (AS) except Iblis. He doesn't bow down in front of him. Allah (SWT) said, Iblis why don't you bow down, when I commanded you to do so. Iblis replied: I am better than him.

You created me with fire, you created him with clay, I am superior to him. Allah (SWT) said, O'Iblis are you sure about this, he replied yes. Allah (SWT) said get down from here, you are indeed cursed, and you have my curse until the end of the time. Now Iblis has a chance.

Iblis can still plead to Allah (SWT) for a chance, Iblis begged: O'Allah give me one Du'a (wish) just one du'a; Allah said ask, Iblis said you should give me time and let me live until the end of time, and i want you to give me power over Adam, and give me soldier and minions and ability to whisper into the heart of mankind.

And when Iblis Du'a is answered, Iblis turns to Allah (SWT), and he said: I swear to your honor, because you misguided me, I am going to turn all these mankind against you and your guidance, except your sincere servants. At that day Iblis declared war against mankind, the children of Adam (AS).

He said i will deceive them, misguide them, i will not let them walk on the righteous path you guided, and i am proof to you he is not better than me; Allah(SWT) said whoever followed you i will fill them with fire here and in there of your followers.

Allah (SWT) warned Adam (AS) from Iblis; When Adam (AS) was in the heaven Allah (SWT) gave him the great knowledge about everything, Allah (SWT) told Adam the names of everything. After a certain time period, Adam (AS) started to feel loneliness in heaven, because he was the only one of his kind (the first one from the human beings).

One day Adam (AS) was sleeping in the Jannah (paradise), Allah (SWT) took a bone from his left rib-cage and created Hawa (Eve); a female human being. When Adam (AS) waked up he saw another human being but different from him or forms his characteristics or physical appearance or anatomy.

Adam (AS) ask her, why you are created for? She Replied: to live with you in calm and peace. Allah (SWT) told Adam (AS), O'Adam you and your wife live in Jannah, eat from any-where, it's all yours, but not from the certain tree(The forbidden Tree); If you eat it from that tree, you and your wife will be from disobedient.

Iblis (Shiatan) was thrown out of from Jannah (Heaven), but because of the challenge he made against Adam (AS), Allah (SWT) gave him the permission to enter in paradise. He just want to proof that he is better creation then this human being, he started to mislead Adam(AS) in heaven.

Iblis came to Adam (AS); Adam why don't you eat from this tree? Adam (AS) said: Allah commanded me not to eat from this tree, go away. Again and again, Iblis's effort to deceive Adam (AS) in heaven was failed. Every time Adam (AS) refused his offer.

After all the attempts, Iblis find out that it's very hard to deceive Adam (AS), so he went to Hawa, He said: Hawa eat from this tree, She replied, i will not as Allah(SWT) commanded me not to eat from this tree. After many attempts Iblis came up with a deception.

Iblis told Hawa that, the only reason that Allah ordered you not to eat from this tree is that, if you eat from this tree you became from close ones to Allah, and you live here forever. With this Oblis mislead her; so hawa started to build pressure on Adam, that if we eat from this tree, we might became Angels, and by all that pressure Adam (AS) eat from that tree.

The first deception of Iblis went successful; hedeceived Adam (AS) to disobey Allah (SWT)

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