Believer & Disbeliever

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There were two men; one of them was blessed by Allah (SWT) with two gardens of grapes. Those gardens were surrounded by date palm trees. The setups of gardens were placed in such a manner that these gardens reap the maximum output on every crop cycle.

Allah made rivers to gush for these gardens so that the man doesn't have to wait for the rain to irrigate these gardens. Everything was there the water, the soil and the atmosphere that was best to produce maximum quality and quantity of the grapes. These were the blessing of Allah (SWT) for him.

Beside these two gardens Allah (SWT) gave him the wealth beyond other framer; he has gold, silver, horses and camels and every other thing that was best, was under his possession. Allah (SWT) blessed him with all the blessing a normal man could imagine.

One day this rich-man was standing with his companion farmer which was not as rich as he was. This rich-man mocked him, look at me I have more Nobel children then you, I have a better status in the society then you, I am more influential and mightier than any other person or framer in this land.

His companion noticed the arrogance and the ego in his word and attitude, which made him, forgot Allah (SWT) and his blessings. The companion senses the growing ego as he progressed in conversation; he started to use the word "I" a lot.

He forgot that Allah said that we gave him everything. But the rich man keeps saying I am mightier, I am richer, and I am the loved one of Allah. And then he started to claim that everything here is owned by him; he was drowning in the worst sin of arrogance.

He thought this wealth will never be vanished and will remain with him forever. He thought that this world, this wealth all these things he possessed was the Jannah. He completely forgot about the real Jannah that Allah (SWT) promised in hereafter.

He said to his companion that, there will be no judgment day, and if there was any judgment day and I have to stand in front of my lord, then he will give me better than this world because he love me. He meant to say that whoever was rich in this world will remain rich in the hereafter, and rewarded even better than this wealth in hereafter.

The companion farmer was listening to him; when the rich farmer insulted the judgment day and the denied what Allah (SWT) says, he became infuriated; he could not stand for whatever this arrogant man was saying.

The Poor farmer said: how could you be a thankless person after every think Allah gave to you? You are just an ordinary person born from the drop of sperm and yet you are claiming that you are mightier and better than other than everyone else. You are made of clay I am made of clay, and then what makes you think you are better than others around you.

The poor farmer shouted, as for me Allah is my Lord and i will not deny him; nor i will associate any one with him; doesn't matter how wealthy and mighty you are, you are just a command man as I am. We all are same for Allah and no one is superior just because of wealth.

You should thankful for what you have, every time you step in this garden you should say there is no power superior then Allah and everything belongs to him. You should say Ma sha Allah every time you look at these gardens. Try to be more humble then arrogant.

Why do you think that you are more beloved then me? The poor farmer asked. Then he asked again, just because I have less children and I am poor? He asked and other question; what if Allah blessed me with greater and better reward than of this world. What if Allah made me the richest man in here after? What if Allah destroys your gardens, your jannah of this world? Don't you have a fear from Allah's punishment?

then the poor farmer gave him the advice, be careful, your arrogance can bring punishment upon you, and as they were both talking about it while stand near these gardens; the punishment of Allah came to these gardens, fire or tornado just relevant term most people used to explain but the gardens were completely destroyed in front of their eyes. Everything that rich-man owns was turned to dust.

This rich-man joined his hands and plead for repentance; but after repentance there is no repentance, no pray will be accepted. No army, no children and not even his whole wealth couldn't save those gardens from that punishment.

At the time of ease everyone enjoys it; but at the time of punishment believers and disbeliever were separated. Allah is the one who rewards the best, It is he, and only he alone is worthy of worship. The real rich-man is the only one who is happy for the life in here after.

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