The Miraculous Cow

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According to the scholars of Tafseer, this story was from the time when Musa (AS) came down from the mountain after forty days, and he saw that Israelites was worshiping a calf, and they were prostrating this idol, He came down and destroy the Calf; this was all happened when Musa (AS) saved the Israelite from the pharaoh and they left Egypt with him across the sea.

In those Israelites, there was a rich man with a substantial wealth that was going to be inherited by his nephews. The nephews of this wealthy man have decided to take matters in their own hands. They planned a murdered, and decide to hide the body; so that they don't have to wait till the time of their uncle's natural death. They were greedy and they know that it going to be very easy as there was no one that can proof the murder, if we all were involved in it.

Few days after murder; people have noticed it more than they expected; other Israelites can't find this man anywhere, and what they found after few days was a dead body. The wealth of this man make people believe that this was a cold blooded murdered. Different theories of accident were proposed and have been reject in argument and quarrel that were going amongst all the people that were there.

One of the proposed an idea to resolve this dispute, because it only building frustration between the people and the killers are still free out there; why all this argument when we have Prophet of Allah amongst us. Let's take this matter to him. Musa will help, as he can talk to Allah on this problem.

They came to Musa (AS) and told everything about the murder, and they want to know, who the murderer is. Than Allah (SWT) revealed on Musa (AS) that in order to find who the killer is, Allah commands you to slaughter a cow. Israelites thought that Musa (AS) is making fun of them, it's a mockery. They asked what possible proposition is between a murdered man and slaughtering a cow.

Musa (AS) replied: i seek refuge with Allah, and this is the commandment of Allah (SWT) that you need to fulfill. People still taught that it is a joke, or Musa (AS) is trying to insult them. They said: Musa why don't you ask Allah to describe us more about this cow. We need more information to find this cow. Allah revealed on Musa (AS) that this cow, neither too old (that she can't give birth) and nor so young that she should be a virgin (not a calf) it has to be somewhere in middle of these two ages.

They came again with the same problem, they said ask Allah what should be the color of the cow? Again Allah revealed that it should be yellow (golden) in color; it's something when you see, it pleases your eyes. They said we are still confused, there are lots of cows; ask again to give us more information for this cow.

This time Allah revealed that this cow should be a free cow; it should not be used for carrying water to fields or plowing earth. There shouldn't be any physical deficiency or disability in this cow; now they finally got the entire prerequisites and they find a cow with to match the description that Allah (SWT) revealed on Musa (AS).

They slaughter that cow; then Musa (AS) said that pick any of the pieces of cow and through it of the body of victim, he will come back to life with the will of Allah and tells you who the murderer is. And as Musa (AS) said, the dead man came back to life and told the name of the person who murdered him. When prophet of Allah told you to do anything, even it sounds impractical that doesn't mean that it's a joke or mockery. Its commandment of Allah they were giving you and they are the only one you can follow blindly.

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