Companion of Trench

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In the times when Dhu Nuwas was ruling Yemen Christianity was practiced covertly in Yemen because this king have faith in magic and he was famous for his victories over his enemies through the power of magic. He was not a magician but with the help of a grand magician in his council. He was not only a disbeliever, but he was a self-proclaimed god, and he forced people to worship him.

At a point of time when his grand magician asked him that he is too old to help him, and if you to continue these magical practices I need to create another magician to whom i can transfer all my knowledge. It has to be a young boy so that he can serve you well.

Dhu Nuwas ask his subordinate to make an announcement in the kingdom that we are going to select an apprentice for the grand magician and we need young and intelligent boy who can come here and train under grand magician. After few days they finally found a boy that can be an apprentice.

The grand magician told his young apprentice that he has to come daily in the morning so that he can spend more time with him and understand his practices and methods necessary to become a magician. The young apprentice agreed and told his parents that he will be spending his day with magician.

After some time, one day he was going to the castle and he saw a place where a man practicing something. The young boy became curious and decides to investigate what's going on there. He goes inside that place and observed everything that's going on. The boy asks the man I want to learn this, what you are doing. Can you teach me?

Basically he found a church in which true preaching of Essa (AS) was practiced, that was "Tauheed". This thing inspired that boy so much that he begins to visit that church on regular basis. And because of this was approaching late at castle and some time at home.

He didn't tell this to any because he promise the priest that he will keep this teaching of Tauheed as a secret. After a few months the boy came to priest and said that, priest help me I am in trouble; when came here in the morning i was got late at castle, this makes magician upset, and if i came here in the evening then my parents became upset with me because I reach late at home. Do you have solution of this problem?

The solution is very simple; said Priest. When you are late in the morning tell your master that it's due to your parents and if you are late in the evening then blame it on the magician. The boy began to do this, but after few day boy was in the market when he heard that is certain animal or beast is creating chaos and it is out of control.

When the boy saw this beast, which was uncontrollable by any men near to it; in his heart he prayed, O'Allah show me which path is right priest or magician, if the path of priest is right the help me. The boy then picks the stone and in the name of Allah he threw that stone on the beast. That beast died as soon as that stone hit; all the people now looking towards the boy, because everyone know that he was magician in training.

The crowd congratulated him a lot, the magician kill the beast, that's what they were cheering; the boy said; this was not the power of magic; this was the power of my lord; and my lord is Allah. One of the blind associate of the king heard that the boy killed the beast today in the market; he came to the boy and asked him to cure his eyes. The again, I don't have a remedy for this but my lord can cure you, in the name of Allah and the blind man can see again. He became the miracle boy.

Everyone in the town was cheering him; the same associates went back to Dhu Nuwas and told him everything about the magician's apprentice. They said to the king that the boy is doing all these miracles with the power of his lord, and he said that his lord is Allah. The king ordered to bring the boy in front of him. In the meantime the same news was also heard by the priest. And he advised the boy that now you have achieved high ranks of believers and now you will be tested. Do not fear anything; Allah will help you.

The soldiers arrested that boy and take him to the King. You supposed to learn the magic, who is preaching you all these things; Dhu Nuwas asked the boy; and the boy refuse to tell the name of priest. He commanded is soldiers to torture the boy till he spit the name of his preacher. When boy reached his physical limits he told soldiers about the priest and the church. Soldiers went to that church and bring the priest in front of Dhu Nuwas.

Dhu Nuwas want to show everyone his power; Dhu Nuwas said: Priest say that I am your lord and you submit to me; there is no religion accept of mine. Priest refused to do this. The priest didn't move from his stand. Dhu Nuwas order his soldier to split the priest in half from head to feet with the saw-blade. Dhu Nuwas want this to be lesson for those who were there, that he is the lord and the only religion they need to follow is the religion of Dhu Nuwas.

The Boy saw this whole thing, but he was still not frightened of this oppressor king; So did you change your mind or you need the same fate as of the priest; Dhu Nuwas asked the boy. The boy was still saying the same thing Allah is my lord. Dhu Nuwas annoyed even more then before; he said you will say that I am your lord. He ordered his soldier to toss the boy from the Mountain. soldier grab the boy and began to climb up the mountain, Allah send the rescue, the ground started to get tremble all of them fell off from that mountain; the boy lives.

Dhu Nuwas said: you are doing this with the magic, your magic can work on ground but it will be useless in the water, the Dhu Nuwas threw him in the sea; again Allah send his help for the boy, high tide wind and wave rumbles the ship every fell in to the water, boy climbs back into the ship and came back on the land. Now Dhu Nuwas was frustrated.

The boy saw that frustration on king's face. Boy said: you have tried the ground and you have tried the water how about i tell you how to kill me. King says alright boy tells me. The boy said: tie me on the wood and take an arrow from my arrow stack and say, In the name of Allah the lord of this boy and shoot the arrow in my head or in my heart. King decides to call everyone in the town to see this. He announced this to everyone, to come and see the sentence of this boy.

Next day everyone was gathered there, because the rumor was spread that despite the entire efforts of king was unable to harm this boy. Every one want to see what will happen now? The soldier did everything the boy asked to do, and when they were about to shot the arrow they said loudly, In the name of Allah the lord of this boy; the shot the arrow and the boy died, when everyone saw this, they all began to say, Allah is our lord, we believe in Allah.

Now this became much bigger problem unexpectedly; this death brings such a dramatic change in his nation, now everyone is following Essa (AS) teachings. The associates of the king asked him what to do now, everyone is now following the same path as of that priest and that boy; and this is spreading like a wild fire in the nation. Dhu Nuwas said, we will kill them all, this is there punishment.

Dhu Nuwas planned for a mass murder; he orders his soldiers to build a trench and fill this with oil and wood. Dhu Nuwas then ordered soldier to arrest everyone who believes in Allah as there lord. When almost everybody was arrested, he order to light up that trench and the fire was huge. The soldiers began to through arrested men and women in that trench of fire. They were burning them alive.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said there was a woman with an infant; when they were about to be thrown in that trench she repels; the infant suddenly speaks to her; O mother be patient, you are following the true path. When she heard this she jumped into the fire. Although the king Dhu Nuwas win this and lot of believer died in that fire; Allah (SWT) said that this was a great victory; because they were able to hold firm on their faith till last moment. Admission in Jinnah (paradise) is the victory.

Few of the believers escaped and went to the roman emperor, they have this burned copy of the bible, they told everything. The roman emperor said that we can't help you in this but there is a Christian king we will write to him and he will send his men to help you in Yemen. That king was Negus of Abyssinia. He was a Christian king; he sends one of his best men Aariat to take over the Yemen from this tyrant King.

When Aariat takeover the Yemen Dhu Nuwas commits suicide, Aariat established a Christian kingdom over Yemen and applied all the rule and principle as instructed by king Negus.

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