He's out for revenge

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"Why would you do that?" he growled shoving open my door and closing it behind him.

"Do what?" I asked innocently.

"Tell her you live here and I don't."

"Because it's true. This is my house and I know for a fact you don't live here."

"You didn't have to tell her that."

"It's better than my dad getting home in an hour and taking you both to the police station for trespassing."

He growled like a dog. "Fine," he muttered. "but you're not getting off without paying the price."

"What price? For what?"

"You'll get what's coming to ya for makin' my girl run away that's what."

"What's coming for me?"

"Yeah. What's coming for you."

"Then what exactly is coming for me? Or are we just gonna stand here all day with you threatening me?"

In the blink of an eye he had pinned me up against the wall with my wrists above my head. "You wanna test me? My words aren't just empty threats, I can assure you that." he hissed.

"Prove it," I said pulling out my keychain with a mini pepper spray on it. I don't believe I need it but you can never be too safe.

He started pulling out a pocket knife but slipped it back in his pocket.

"See, you won't do anything."

"No, it'd be pretty easy to find me if I killed you in your own house." I glanced at the clock behind Ian. My dad would be home in oh, say, the next ten minutes.

"You may want to leave before my dad comes home and has you arrested. Actually he'd probably kill you himself for the way you're holding me right now." I may not be a real bad person but I'm usually a b*tch and I talk back to people.

"I-" he started before you could hear the sound of tires on gravel.

"Ah, there he is now."

"Get me out of this house before he comes in."

I sighed. "Fine." I may be a jerk but if he faces the wrath of my father so do I. "Go out the back door," I said pointing to it, "I'll keep him outside for a minute." And with that he left. I walked outside and greeted my dad.

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