He's in my garage now?

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a/n i'm changing the rating to PG-13 for language


"Em will you go into the garage and get me a screwdriver?" my dad asked opening the new desk he bought.

"Sure," I said walking outside. I went to my dad's toolbox and got a phillips and a flathead screw driver.

"What the f*ck are you doing here?" I heard a voice ask.

I whirled around to come face to face with Ian. I hadn't seen him since he was on my porch three weeks ago because school had been relesed for summer break.

"It's my garage. What the f*ck are you doing here?"

"Living. What does it look like?"

"Well you better get your a** out of here, 'cause my dad will probably be out here by the end of the night." I don't know why I don't just tell my dad about him. I guess I have a big heart. What a contradiction I am, huh? "He's putting together a new desk and he'll have to put the old one somewhere."

"Aw, sh*t. Keep him in there, will you?"

"Not makin' any promises!" I sang going back to the house.

"Are you talking to someone, Em?"

"Nope," I said popping the 'p'. I handed him the screwdrivers but they didn't fit. "Sorry you didn't tell me the size," I laughed.

"It's ok. I'll go get it." He said standing.

"No dad, I got it." I said. He couldn't go out there because both me and Ian would get in trouble.

"It's fine Em. Is there a reason you don't want me to go out there?"

"Uh, this kid from my school is in our garage. I was gonna tell you when you were done." he glared at me.


"Some kid named Ian."

"Well he's about to not be."

"Just don't tell him I told you he was there. He'll get pissed at me."

He just stormed out the door.

This cannot end well.

I gave it a minute before going outside so Ian would think I didn't know he'd gone outside.

No yelling. That's a good sign.

I could hear my dad talking when I got closer to the garage. "Why are you in my garage boy?"

"I have no where else to live. My father hates me and kicked  me out."

"You have no where to live?" Damn. His dad hated him too so he has a soft spot for 'misunderstood' teens. He'll probably offer him to live here. "You can live here for a while."

"Seriously? Thanks."

"If you so much as poke my daughter I will kill you slowly." my dad growled.

"Understood." I could practically imagine the smirk on his face. I walked in the garage and my dad turned to me."He'll sleep on the bunk bed until we get the spare room clean."

My jaw dropped. "What?? But dad that'll take months!"

"Then you better get started. Show him to your room." And with that he was gone.

"You told your dad I was here?" Ian asked.

"No. I went to the bathroom but I think he had the wrong screwdriver."

"Whatever. I have a place to live now. What's your name?"

"Emy-Lee. Spelled E-M-Y dash L-E-E."

"Ian Figoroa. So, show me to my room."

"You mean my room. The bunkbed is all that's empty right now and it's in my room." I turned on my heel and glared at him causing him to stop. "and if you so much as touch me or wake me up i will kill you." I hissed.

"Understood." he said smirking.

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