Star! and the phone call?

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Previously on The Dance That Changed Everything:
I got in an seen a lady like figure in a throne making orders and singing papers.
"Star?! Is that you?"
The figure looked up and---

The figure looked up and it was moon?
"Oh queen moon. I'm sorry." I bowed
"Oh my boy you don't need to do that. I have enough of that as it is."
"Oh ok mrs. Moon. If you don't mind if I ask but where is star we really need to talk... I made a mistake and it hurt her and she left it's all my fault. I just want her to come back home, with me..." I spoke really really fast that I was gasping for air.
"Marco..." a voice came from behind a curtain... a lady stepped out and was dressed like she was becoming queen.
"I can't come back..." the lady said
"Wait star? Is that you!" I ran up to her and tackled her with a bear hug.
We both laughed and I helped her up because she was wearing a hoop dress and her hair was, like 6 stories tall!
"Marco I'm glade we are friends but I came back I now have to marry someone and become king...
Ring dingaling dopbadop pa pa to lala sing a song with. Me rainbows puppies kittens and so much moooore.
"Oh wait I gotta get this... it's tom..."
"Hey um. We need to talk. I started to hang with Janna and when I stayed the night at her house. I'm sorry but thing got outta hand... and I don't deserve you. We have to break up... I'm in love with Janna." Complete shock was all over my face and I couldn't move or say anything.
"Did I just hear that correctly." I didn't walk but two steps.
The pone fell out of my hand and I was lead to a chair. Then everything went black.

I am so sorry for the short ass chapters but I have high school (just started in 9th grade) and I am flooded with French homework so please please know I am trying and that I am so sorry also that I am having writers block... if ANYONE WANTS TO HELP ME CREATE THE STORY AND GIVE ME IDEAS IT WILL HELP SO MUCH.


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