The new couple?

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Previously on The Dance That Changed Everything
"Oh wait I gotta get this... it's tom..."
"Hey um. We need to talk. I started to hang with Janna and when I stayed the night at her house. I'm sorry but thing got outta hand... and I don't deserve you. We have to break up... I'm in love with Janna." Complete shock was all over my face and I couldn't move or say anything.
"Did I just hear that correctly." I didn't walk but two steps.
The pone fell out of my hand and I was lead to a chair. Then everything went black.

I woke up in a bed. With someone holding my hand and crying.
"MARCO! Oh my god you woke up this is amazing! I can't wait to take you home you can tell your family and friends an-"
"W-why? How long have I been out? I just fainted. Right?" I honestly was so confused I was about to cry because my head hurt so bad.


He started to flinch and stir I started balling he was in a stress induced COMA I can believe I did this to him. My mom gave me a choice I either stay here or I can go back. I want to stay here because the corrination because if I leave then they'll think I am a flaky queen...
he started to talk to me I looked up.
"MARCO! Oh my god you woke up this is amazing! I can't wait to take you home you can tell your family and friends an-"
"W-why? How long have I been out? I just fainted. Right?"
"No Marco... you have been in a coma for 6 months.... I am so sorry you need to lay down and rest because it was stress induced. Please don't worry I used my magic to be you go to all our classes and get you good grades and everything. Just please be calm and relax!" Omg I am freaking out right now. He actually woke up! I slept here with him... next to him every night waiting for him to wrap his arm around me. But it'll never happen.

Flashback 3 months ago

"Oh Marco I love you so much and I might never get the chance to say it... Marco please wake up please please please...."

End flashback

"Oh..." all he said was oh?
"Oh..." all I said was oh.
"Star I----------"

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahahahahahahahahahahah I am evil!!!! 😈😈😈

Anyways sooo sorry I just have to go to jail every day

Oops did I say jail I mean school. Lol anyways here's another update

Love ya,

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