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"Being nervous isn't bad , it just means something important is happening."                    Unknown

Everly's Pov

I feel so excited and nervous at the same time, excited because we are moving to California and nervous because we are going to leave with Gray Moon Pack , you see I get very shy while meeting new people and in this situation they are not normal people they are wolves.

Last week my father got a call from his best friends who are the former alphas of Gray Moon Pack, I don't know what they have talked, but after the call ended here we r moving to California not before explaining that his friends are Werewolf's and were are going to live with them.

We are currently in a car on our way to pack the house, the beta James has come to receive us from the airport. In the front seat my father and mother are talking with James and to my side I find my best friend and my brother are asleep cuddling with each other they look so cute, I quickly take a picture of them and keep my phone inside my backpack and search for my paci so I can take a nap till will reach the pack . 

Once I find my paci I put it in my mouth close my eyes slowly drift into sleep dreaming about my future daddy or mommy.  

Everly's Dream

"Catch me mommy" I giggle and run around the house as mommy chases me , suddenly I run into a wall I look up to find my daddy with a smile on his lips .

"got u"  daddy says lifting me up kisssing  me all over my face and kissing mommy on her cheek as she comes near us .   

"Now it's time for ur bed  kitten , come on" mommy says and takes me from daddy and we go into our room were mommy changes me into my favourite  pj's and  we all cuddle on the bed with me in the middle, as daddy read's me princess story, mommy plays with my hair I slowly drift into sleep not before saying I Love you to mommy and daddy ,  feeling kisses on my cheek and  love you too kitten from both mommy and daddy. 

Dream Ends..

Hi Guys these is my first story as a writer so if u guys find something wrong or want to give me any tips or advice please DM me 🙂 .

Thanks for Reading

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