Christmas Visit

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Dustin's POV

I stood shocked at the front door as I stared at my boyfriend with wide eyes.

He smiled at me before walking up my driveway, his suitcase close behind. He walked right in front of me and pulled me in for a hug. "Surprise." He said to me.

He pulled away and I just stared at him, still in shock. "What are you doing here?" I asked him suddenly.

"Well, I missed you, and Veronica called me and told me how much you've been missing me so I came down. I'll be staying here until the end of January. I already talked it over with your mom over the phone." He explained to me.

My heart started beating faster and my eyes got wider. I mean, of course I was happy he was here but what if it slips our of my mouth that I cheated on him. It was an accident so do you think he would forgive me or would he break up with me? God, now I'm talking to my own brain, I'm going crazy.

"Aren't you happy I'm here?" Ross asked me which brought me back to reality.

I looked at him and he looked a little nervous of my answer. "Of course I'm happy you're here." I told him, and he immediately let out a breath of relief.

"Um, where should I put my stuff?" He asked me, but my mom came up and answered for me.

"You can put it in Dustin's room." She said before turning to me. "Sweetie, would you show Ross where your room is?"

I looked over at her. "Um, can Jared show him. I have to talk to Veronica." Since Jared is dating Veronica, he has been over here before with her. So, he knows where my room is. Don't worry, he's not some kind of creeper. I turned towards Jared. "Do you mind showing Ross where my room is?"

"Nah, I don't mind." Jared replied before turning towards Ross. "Right this way bro." Jared said and Ross started following him up the stairs. When they got to the top, I heard them laugh really loud at some joke one of them said. I can already tell they're going to be great friends. Wait, that's not the point right now.

I grabbed Veronica's arm and dragged her to the kitchen. We got to the kitchen and I went to the farthest side away from the door. "What's your problem?" Veronica said to me, in an annoyed tone as she rubbed up and down her arm.

"I need to tell you something but you can't get mad at me." I said to her.

She threw her hands up in the air and let them fall back down to her side. "You can't tell me that I can't get mad at you if I don't know what you're going to tell me." She exclaimed.

"Please? Just promise you won't get mad." I held out my pinky finger.

"Ugh." She wrapped her pinky finger around mine. "I promise."

I let out a big breath as I began to talk. "I sorta...accidentally...I was drunk...-"

Veronica put her hand over my mouth. "Just get to the point!" She whisper-yelled.

"I accidentally...cheated on a a party." Her eyes went wide so I continued. "I was drunk, and the guy was hot. I didn't mean for it to happen." She was about to yell so I quickly said. "You promised you wouldn't get mad."

She closed her mouth and her eyes and took a big breath. "What did you do specifically?" She asked with her eyes still closed.

"I...ummm...slept...with someone." I said awkwardly.

She opened her eyes quickly and looked up. "Jesus, please help this poor boy."

"Veronica, this is serious." I said as I hit her arm.

"And so am I." She said. "You're going to need the help from someone really powerful for Ross not to break up with you when you tell him."

"Then maybe I shouldn't tell him." I told her.

"You can't just not tell him." She said, looking frustrated.

"I know, but I don't want to lose him." I said as we heard the boys laughter as they came back down the stairs.

They both walked into the kitchen and Veronica ran over to Jared. They both left while Ross walked over to me. He pulled me into his arms. "I missed you so much babe." He said to me.

"I missed you too." I said truthfully.

He pulled away and leaned in to kiss me but as I watched his face get closer to mine, I just felt more and more guilty. I pushed him away and covered my lips with my hands.

He looked at me, confused and a little hurt. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm...sick." I faked a cough. "I don't want to make you sick."

He smiled at me and started walking closer. "Babe, I don't care." He said as he removed my hand and started to lean in again but I backed up, causing him to keep leaning forward just to meet nothing.

"But you have to...have a good sing and act with..." I said, trying to sound convincing.

He rolled his eyes. "Ok, thanks for thinking about my voice baby." He chuckled as he walked out of the kitchen.

Oh dear god, I won't be able to keep this secret away from him for long.

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