Holding In

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Dustin's POV

After everyone opened their presents last night, we all went to bed. Well, the Ramirez's and Jared went home and went to bed. Obviously me and my family and Ross went to bed at my house.

My mom said that Ross can sleep in my room but not in my bed...he slept in my bed anyway. He said that he wanted to hold me, and I actually really wanted to hold him too. I may have cheated and feel super guilty, but he's still my boyfriend and I still love him.

I woke up with an arm thrown over waist. My back was pulled up close to a hard and warm chest. I could hear the faint but adorable snores coming from Ross. His lips were on my neck since before I fell asleep last night he was kissing my neck. I could feel his soft, warm breath run across my neck.

I smiled to myself, but it quickly went down as I thought about what I did. I can't even be happy anymore, I just feel so guilty. Okay, it's been decided -and this time I'm keeping my word- I'm going to tell him as soon as I can.

I started to get up but he quickly pulled me back against him. He mumbled incoherent words into my neck as he held me against him. I giggled at how much it tickled my neck. I felt him smile against my neck.

His arm tightened around my waist as he started kissing and nipping my neck. I laughed like a maniac while I started flailing my arms around. He chuckled. "Your laugh is the most adorable thing I've ever heard." He told me.

My laughter died down. "Thank you." I said to him before feeling guilty again.

I was hoping he wouldn't notice my mood change, but he did. He sat up an leaned over me to see my face. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I looked up at him and my breath got taken away. He was so caring. My eyes started watering as I looked up at his face. His eyes grew even more worried. "Hey," He said while putting his hand on my cheek and rubbing his thumb across it. "what's wrong? You can tell me anything."

I stood up and kept my back towards the bed for a second before turning around. He was about to stand up but I put my hand up to stop him. "You might want to stay sitting for this." I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I looked down at the ground. "I-I...I c-cheat-I cheated on you." I said quickly. I looked up to his face to see shock. He didn't look sad or angry, he just looked shocked.

His mouth hung open so I knew that he was too stunned to talk so I continued. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. And I've felt guilty about it everyday since it's happened. I was drunk and I was just so in the moment, I never intended for it to happen. Please forgive me." I said straight to his face.

His brows drew together and he stood up quickly, looking angry now. "You bitch!" He yelled at me, taking me by surprise. "How could you do this to me? I never cheated on you, I stated faithful to you just like I said I would. You said you would too, but no, you lied. I cared about, I still do. But obviously the feelings aren't mutual."

He was about to walk past me but I grabbed his arm. "No, I'm sorry. It's not like that, I never meant for it to happen. I love you. Please don't leave me." I begged him.

He glared at me. "I should've never come here. I'm leaving as soon as I can." He told me before turning around and leaving my room, slamming the door on the way.

That's when the tears started pouring out of my eyes. He hates me. I've lost him. I'm so stupid.

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