1) John

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Alright, this is only my second fanfic, so my writing is terrible! Apologies for that!


John took a deep breath as he stepped into the building. He dragged his luggage behind him, two rolling bags, one with a small teddy bear resting on top.

The teddy fell to the ground with an audible thump. John turned and stooped to pick it up, and when he stood up, he saw a tall boy about his age sitting in an arm chair. He had his feet up and his hands pressed together beneath his chin, eyes closed.

John stopped and stared at him for a while, his shaggy black hair and thin form, and those beautiful cheekbones of his.

"That's Sherlock, he's your new roommate. You can file a complaint in one week."He hadn't even heard the other older boy walk up next to him.

John looked up in surprise "I'm not gay! You know, just in case you were wondering,"

John yelled at himself internally, cursing himself for being so stupid, "Of course he's going to think you are gay, you were just staring at that boy, and then you spouted out a defense in your straitness! Stupid! Don't make this like the last school!"

The older boy smiled dryly at John "Of corse you're not. I'm Mycroft, Sherlock's brother. You must be John. Let me take you to your room, but first, SHERLOCK! Say hello to your new roommate!"

"Oh god" John thought to himself "Not gay, not gay!"


Okay, that was short, and it stank! I'll try to get better! I am writing at 11:30 at night, that may attribute to the story's lameness!!

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