2) Sherlock

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Hello! Just figuring I should say it, I'm using the British term for soccer, for all you Americans reading this! Love you all!


He called me brilliant! Sherlock thought, How odd. Why am I exited over this, I shouldn't be, I'm a-sexual, I don't care for others, or what they think!

As Sherlock went back to his book he heard a knock on the door. Lestrade. Something new must of happened, his knock was missing a beat, but it was still obviously Lestrade's knock.

"Enter." Lestrade came rushing in, breathless. "What else has happened, something is new."

"Yet another theft, a larger one this time in dorm A. Who is this?" Lestrade looked at John.

"That's John, he's my new roommate." Sherlock leapt up. "John, would you care to join me, I could use a second set of eyes."

John sat down his book. "I'm not doing anything else at the moment, I guess I will."

They left the room and ran to dorm room 132A, where Lestrade opened the door to a ransacked room.

"What was taken?"

"A box set of The Chronicles of Narnia, they were old and had more of a sentimental value than money."

"Whose were they?"

"Molly Hooper."

John looked confused. He was probably wondering what was happening.

"The thefts have taken place in another dorm before this, room 431D, a set of old plastic earrings from Irene Adler. Neither items stollen were worth much, so these thefts must be revenge oriented. We need to figure out who is doing this and why."

John got a determined face on and nodded. They began to search around the room, but to no avail. The thief left nothing, not even fingerprints or footprints. Sherlock was disappointed.

He then began to look through Molly's binder, and found several things, none of importance. Notes, little doodles of hearts, and several drawings depicting Sherlock.

"What's that?" John said, looking over Sherlock's shoulder.

"Nothing that helps us." Sherlock closed the binder as Molly walked in.

"What are you doing? Don't touch! I mean, the binder, not, never mind. Why are you in my room, not that you can't be, it's okay!"

"There is nothing here, let's go John." Sherlock walked out.

Maybe it is, I don't know yet, I need more evidence before. I'll go work that other case on my old roommate Carl Powers....


Hi guys! The next chapter may take a while, I have to get my knowledge up on the Carl Powers case! -_- heh heh....

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