3) John

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John smiled apologetically at Molly. "Sorry, he's just being a little impertinent."

"Oo, were using big words now, come on John, let's go." Lestrade said, leading John out the door. "What do you think that was about? Just storming off?"

"I don't know, you've known him for longer than I have, you should know his ways."

"No one knows his ways, but since you have been getting closer to him than any of us, I figured,"

John stumbled and blushed "w-what?" I am not gay!, why would he think that!

"It's not that I think you're gay or anything, it's just that you are the closest thing he has to a friend!"

When they reached dorm room 221B, they looked inside to see Sherlock putting on his scarf and coat. "No were do you think you're going?" Lestrade asked "I do hope you know that I can't let you go off campus!"

"Good, because I'm not asking for you permission. We're going to the morgue John, come along!"

"Um, don't drag me into this, in still new, I don't want to screw up my record already!" Sherlock was already leaving, coat pockets filled with money.

"I won't say anything if you don't, follow him, he needs to be watched." Lestrade nudged John out the door. John ran to catch up to Sherlock.

"You know we really shouldn't be doing this. Sherlock, you know that right?"

"Of corse we should be doing this, we are going to solve the mystery of Carl Power's murder."

"Who's murder? Wait, why would you, solve a murder?"

"Everyone thinks that Carl drowned by accident, which he obviously didn't." Sherlock whistled for a cab, extremely loudly, mind you, John's ears began to ring. A cab came round the corner and John and Sherlock got in.

"Were to?"

"The morgue."

"That's a grim place to be ditching school for, but alright, your choice!"

The conversation in the cab was poor. Occasionally the cabbie tried to make conversation, but it fizzled out. He even asked how long Sherlock and John had been together! The audacity of it! John was most definitely not gay!

When they finally arrived, John was incredibly relived. It was a nasty cab, and John didn't particularly like the cabbie or his presumptions.

"That'll be £20.75" Sherlock handed the money over, and they walked up to the morgue.

"Will they let us in? I mean are only in 10th year,"

Sherlock didn't respond. He ran to the fence and did a sort of leap climb. Wow, did he look good doing that... Shut up! Not gay! John sighed and tried to copy Sherlock. He fumbled, and hoisted himself over. Sherlock was already half way there.

"Will you stop running off without me!" They went in through the window. Nobody was there. They started to search for Carl's body in the first room. Nothing. The second, nothing. It wasn't until the fifth room did they find him. John wouldn't have seen him if not for Sherlock.

They examined the body. Nothing had been changed from the time of his death, except that he was dry. All of his belongings from his locker was there. One thing kept bothering Sherlock, the lack of shoes and foot cream. He looked everywhere for the shoes and cream, but to no avail.

"Why, where are they!"

"Sherlock, keep it down, we are supposed to be sneaking!"

"Well not anymore!" Sherlock opened the door and left, John at his tails.

They returned to their dorm room, disappointed. Sherlock flopped onto the couch and put his fingertips together beneath his chin. John sat on his bed and attempted to read, but kept getting distracted by Sherlock.

No, I'm not gay!

Or am I....


Hi! That was longer than the others, but the writing was poorer! -_- sorry, the Sherlock segment will be coming soon! Maybe. I may procrastinate. Heh heh! Also fair warning the next chapter may be in first person! So Ta for now!

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