Chapter 4

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Written by: BeatrixSting and Leia

Leia was slightly annoyed. Eli always does that to her, treated like a 10-year-old like Nica was embarrassing and annoying for her,Eli always tells her not to do that and this, and not to go here and there. #IFeelYourPainLeia

Nica: It wasn't her fault,I kinda pushed her there,
Trixie: Nica, you know it's not nice to push people
Nica: I know, I'm sorry Trixie
Trixie: Next time don't do it again okay,
Nica: Yes Trixie,

Eli was always shocked by on how Trixie got Nica to ACTUALLY listen that fast. While Leia...well,...she doesn't listen at all, and as they rode down back to the hideout, Eli asked Trixie a question.

Eli: How in Slugterra did you manage to make Nica listen to you??!
Trixie: I'll tell you later...much later...


"She does know that I survived a whole season of Ultimate Slugslinging Tournament right?" Back in her room Leia ranted on and on to her friends Ariel and Destiny. "I mean, gods, I WON! I won everyone else and they're all bigger sized than me! Look at Stocker, he's like an overgrown slug hound! And I beat him! NOW ELI DOESN'T LET ME GO ANYWHERE!"

"Chill, chill." Ariel looked at her, sweatdropping. "We know, okay? Still, there are more ways than asking him for permission to go out."

Her eyes lit up as she immediately understood Ariel's sentence. "You're a genius!"

Hastily grabbing her slinging gear and slugs, she popped Dust (her Hoverbug) onto her shoulder and jumped off the window. Landing safely onto the ground 10 metres away from her room, she sneaked into the garage and started up Wish.

(Leia had special powers that can really help her XD)

"Let's find another tournament to begin with." She muttered, "Been a long time since my last one. Nothing ever happens on the Surface."

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