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【 full name 】 : Luka Benjamin Sexton
【 age 】 : twenty
【 sexual orientation 】 : homosexual
【 species 】 : mutated human

【 place of birth 】 : Saint Martin the Caribbean
【 date of birth 】 : november 18th, 1998

【 resides in 】 : Tacoma Washington

【 education 】 : Ivy League college

【 height 】 : 5 foot nine

【 weight 】 : 145 pounds/65.771 kilograms

【 notable markings 】 : Luka's back is covered in scars from the beatings hydra and his father gave him. Another thing that's impossible too forget are his numerous tattoos littering his body. And freckles.

【 hair color 】 : dark black; short length

【 eye color 】 : blue

【 skin color 】 : pale


【 pain infliction 】 : act of creating and inflicting excruciating pain upon another person

【 weaponry 】: shark like teeth, long pointed nails. His scream.

【 shapeshifting 】: ability too change into any predatory sea dwelling creature at will.


【 positive traits 】: sweet, independent, passion filled, determined, loving, compassionate, appreciative.

【 negative traits 】: anxious, bull headed, Angry, fearful, mood swings, devious, deceitful and deceiving.

[ inspired by hearttsick ]

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