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Anyone ready for me to rant?

So I deadass just heard this white man say and I quote " As a white man I have no rights" yeah okay, fuck you and your delusions. It's not like this country wasn't founded on rights for white men and was specifically created to oppress anyone else. 
To clarify : I'm not "against" white men. My fucking mom is white. But I dare a white man to walk up to a woman who was alive while women couldn't vote at all and tell her he has no rights at all. American men have no idea the incredible privilege they have just by  being Americans.
When did I miss the announcement that now white men could be bought and sold by other races, that they are the property of their wives, and that they can't vote or have anything that resembles a important job, other than serve other races or the opposite sex??
Appreciate your rights as a goddamn American you twit. Realize that just because other people finally have rights that you haven't lost yours.
And learn the history behind your rights, because many that you claim you "don't have" other people couldn't.
AND BEFORE ANYONE FUCKING SAYS IT. I know times are different now. I know we have freedoms and expanded rights. But it doesn't change history. And to pretend you lost rights and "have none" while many Americans relatively recently got them is ignorant.

Rant over. And public service announcement : don't be a jackass and make a fool of yourself like this man seems to enjoy doing.

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