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Part 3.

•Luka's favorite television show is Dexter.

•if he's not talking, he's humming or mumbling the words to either of his two favorite songs

•most times the siren walks around with a patch or three of scaly skin, somewhere on his body.

•his favorite movie (series) is pirates of the Caribbean. And hates when people make puns about the movies and his being Caribbean.

• he's allergic to grapes.

•his favorite animal to shape shift into has to be a seal, or Bull shark.

•almost always his teeth are in their /normal/ state of sharpness. He feels weird with his other- natural teeth.

•he's constantly afraid that he will wake up and this will all be a dream.

•while he may be the more romantically inclined between he and archer, the siren does enjoy surprises.

•Luka has a sister, her name is fae. He's only met her once.
//hint hint-

•Luka adores his daughter, he would do anything for her. ANYTHING.

•despite his scariness and anger he's s very gentle soul.

•seeing that he never had a father or father figure in his life he fears he won't be good enough.

•Luka's favorite holiday has to be Christmas.

•his favorite season however is autumn.

•and his favorite drink is warm (spiked) apple cider.

•Luka has never really been to a party.

•HATES when people make puns about his last name. Or that he smells like fish.

•his death total is near 1,000

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