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Headcanons Part 1

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Part 1.

• As well as being known as the boy who escaped he has grown into the man known as tiburón.

• he has a knack for pickpocketing things. So always check for any personal belongings when around him.

•Luka is insanely intelligent. Though his brash behavior clouds his judgment at times.

•there was once a time that Luka  got thrown into a van and raped. It haunts him nightly.

•even closed off and silently looking into his eyes will tell you everything simple words can't.

•his rich Caribbean accent hasn't faded, even after years of not seeing his home island.

•he hates his back to be touched. That's where most of his abuse happened. If he lets you even see the scars littering his body you are a very lucky soul. He doesn't trust easily.

•people naturally irritate him. But that doesn't mean he will be any less.. welcoming to you.

•his favorite food is cinnamon rolls and mint icecream.

• outside of killing people for hire he has learned to sing. He can now manipulate that deadly scream into something beautiful and haunting.

•he is startled easily and is a mild perfectionist.

•has major OCD

Headcanons Part 2

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Part 2.

•Luka is over protective of the taller male. What's his is his and he will tear out your throat if you touch archer.

•while the pairs relationship is secret to the public Luka still fears one day archer will leave because of hydra.

•because of hydra it had put a strain on the two's friendship as well as relationship but they are both stubborn and make it work.

•Luka definitely is the more lovey dovey of the two and can be found staring after archer emitting a weird keening like purr sound that changes to something similar to a dolphins clicking.

•you do not want to be in the room with these two. The sexual tension is so bad I doubt they would care if there was fourty people in the room.

•Luka is ruled by his emotions. Completely. And archer is more rational so they balance each other out, and yes, they aren't perfect so they do argue. Though it's mostly Luka that starts them.

•always confident in himself he will literally walk around the hickies and bite marks on his pale skin visible daring people to say something.

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