Role play starter.

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Breaks squealed as Luka came to a complete stop staring up at the building he would enter in disgust. God he needed this. Finally a kill that meant something too the siren. But could likely get him killed too. His hands shook. From excitement and nerves. But he wouldn't back out now. Not with archer freshly in his mind. He wouldn't stop till they where both safe. Because now his lover was in danger. Exiting the car on silent feet bright eyes darkened as teeth became pointed and vocal cords popped. God his father wouldn't know what hit him. Good. The money didn't matter. Just the honor and peace he would receive. The only problem? Was his father worked for hydra. He was the creators right hand man. Walking into the building would be a death trap. And Luka walked in with pride. "Oh father" he spoke, a wicked tone to his voice as eyes darted around. A gun shot. His shoulder rippled in pain as he staggered. He spotted the guards. And the cruel man behind them. Check mate. Not even caring that he would likely die he ran straight for them kicking the guns away from the guards. Their death wasn't painless. Face to face with the man who had helped create him, in more ways then one he grinned. Blood dripped from razor sharp teeth and eyes glowed. "We meet again. Father." His tone was anything but polite. When the old man spoke "yes, we do Luka. At last. God your ugly. How did you convince one of our best to sleep with you? Much less- love you?" He smirked as Luka lunged forward. How dare he mention archer. What he wasn't expecting was a syringe thrust into his neck as the sirens world went dark. Waking up what seemed to him, hours later in searing pain he opens his bruised eyes too see his father cutting words into his exposed stomach. "I'll kill you" Luka spoke in a hoarse voice as he tried to move only to find he was bound tightly in chains. Mustering up all of his energy. He was going to scream. "I wouldn't do that. See, we are in a room that is designed especially for you in a off grid hydra base. Did you really think we would let you go?" His father spoke mockingly as he grabbed a set of headphones putting them in Lukas ears as a sound he was all too familiar with flooded his mind. Oh no. His eyes rolled back from the pain of the sound only he could endure. Is this how he would die? Tortured by the things that made him what he was. No. He grit his teeth and summoned another scream letting it loose it shook the very walls. The anger and fear in it only seems to amplify its power as his old man crumpled to the floor bleeding from his ears, dead. Tears streamed down the sirens face as the sound in his ears amplified with his scream. He was going to die. Bleeding and alone. Passing out again he resigned to his fate. But it wasn't too be. Thinking him dead, more guards came and took off the sound equipment. First mistake. Their Second being when they took off the chains that had rubbed his skin raw. Eyes snapped open. He couldn't hear. His mind was fuzzy. But this was his only chance. With sloppy movements he killed the guards, staggering to the entrance of the building he found his car. With shaky hands and blood flowing faster he checked the date. It had been 7 days since he dropped archer off and went to kill his father. Barely alive and breathing he drove to the nearest house. Which just happened too be yours. Knocking heavily on the door the mercenary suddenly dropped. Passed out on your porch as his body began to convulse from lack of blood, which flowed around him coating the concrete and his hair. And the trauma, known and unknown that he had just experienced for days on end.

[you start]

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