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Sweeney POV
Mrs. Lovett walks into Max's room, and sings to him: "nothing's gonna harm you not while I'm around, nothing's gonna hurt you, no sir, not while I'm around.

"Your singing that because of me aren't you?"
I ask standing in Max's doorway.

"You bloody scared the poor boy!"
Mrs. Lovett shouts.

I say.

"It's not my fault."
I say again.

"You threatened him!"
Mrs. Lovett shouts.

Max called.

"See, you bloody woke him up!"
I yell.

"Did I do something wrong Sweeney?"
Max asks so gently.

"No lad. Come here."
I pick the boy up from the stairs and carry him to the pie shop.

"How bout a pie son?"
I ask with a smile.

He nodes his head yes furiously as he comes over to sit on my lap.

"Here Max. Have a pie."
I say handing him one on a white plate.

"Thank you."

He took a bite of the pie, and right away spit it on the floor when Mrs. Lovett wasn't looking, and put it back on the plate.

"You don't have to have eat it Max."
I told him.
"Here, eat this. This won't taste like, s-yuck."
I add giving the boy a loaf of bread from my pocket.

"Thank you Sweeney!"
I say cheerfully.

"Eat up. I need you strong."

Max devoured the bread in seconds!

I ask.

"Yes please."
Max says as I produce another loaf from my pocket again and hand it over to Max.

"Thank you sir."

"Max, just Sweeney please."
I tell him again.

"Max, did you enjoy my meat pies?"
Mrs. Lovett say walking up from the cellar.

Max looks at me, and I shake my head yes.

"Yes, ma'm."
Max says.

"Oh dearie, please call me mum."
Mrs. Lovett tells the boy.

"Yes, mom."
He says again.

"That's a good lad."
Says Mrs. Lovett patting Max on the back while holding her dress up off the floor while walking.

"I know why nobody cares to take em' I should know, I make em'. Mine you I can hardly blame em'
But good, no. these are probably the worst pies in London. If you doubt it take a bite."

(I do not own the lyrics)

A costumer walks in through the door.

"Might you know where I could get a good shave ma'm?"
He asks.

"Right this way."
Mrs. Lovett says as I follow her up to Sweeney's barber shop.

"Mr. Todd, i's sorry to be disturbing you, but you's have a customer."
Mrs. Lovett says gently pushing the gentleman inside Mr. Todd's shop.

Mrs. Lovett leaves as Sweeney takes the mans coat off and has him sit in the chair.

"Max, could you go back downstairs with Mrs. Lovett?"
I asked.

"No, I wanna stay here."
Max says.

I didn't have the heart to yell at him like I normally would, so I let him stay.
Man, I really want this boy dead all ready.

"Here Max. Sit."
I say leading him over to a chair.

"I wanna sit here sir."
Max says sitting on a yellow/brown chest that just so happens to have the body of my latest victim!!!

"Max, would you hand me that cup?"
I ask.

Max gets up grabbing the shaving cream cup and handing it to me. Looks like I won't be killing this guy........
At least not today.🏴

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